About CUTE校園導覽
中國科技大學,是中華民國的一所科技大學,校名簡稱中國科大,前身為中國市政專科學校、中國工商專科學校、中國技術學院。學校設有雙校區,分別是臺北市文山校區與新竹縣湖口校區。目前設有「規劃與設計學院」、「商學院」、「管理學院」、「資訊學院」四大學院,共18個學系、7個碩士班,及「通識教育中心」。 China University of Technology, University of Science and Technology is one of the Republic of China, called China HKUST school name, formerly known as China Municipal College, China Industrial and Commercial College, China Institute of Technology. The school has a double campus, namely Taipei City and Hsinchu County, Wenshan campus Hukou campus. There are currently "Planning and Design", "School", "School of Management", "College of Information" of the four colleges, 18 faculties, seven master classes, and "General Education Center."