About meditor
Mathematical editor - Android notepad sample, interfaced to the Scala Algebra System (ScAS)
Computations with symbols as well as numbers : BigIntegers, Rationals, Polynomials, Rational functions, Complex numbers
Supported operations: + - * / ^integer
Functions: div, mod, factorial, factor, real, imag, conjugate
Comparison operators: = <> <= < >= >
Boolean operators: & | ^ ! =>
Constants: pi
Interaction through "Evaluate" action on selected text:
(a+b)^2/(a^2-b^2) "Evaluate"
graph(f(x), x) "Evaluate"
Algebraic functions
Elementary functions
Trigonometric & hyperbolic functions
Derivatives & Integrals
Polynomial factorization
Vectors & Matrices
Geometric algebra
Boolean algebra
by S####:
This gives me black screen when I open this application.