About WebTv
U mreži WebTv su najgledanije i najuticajnije medijske grupacije u Srbiji i CG.
*** Adria medija Srbija
*** Color pres sa izdanjima Hello, Svet, Lepota i zdravlje, Scandal ...
*** Kurir, Privredna komora Beograda, Medija centar, UNS press centar, Hot sport, Vesti Online, Svet plus ...
*** U CG se gledamo na Online izdanjima Dan i Pobjeda
Najznačajniji content partneri WebTv-a su: Sportnetwork, Andricgrad, Dom omladine Beograd, Mikeser haus,Hot sport, Color press, Grand, Medija centar, Privredna komora Beograda i UNS.
*** WebTv.rs u svojoj mreži uspešno emituje reklamne Kampanje - VIDEO REKLAME (TV reklame) u Preroll, Postroll i Overlay video formatu, u saradnji sa partnerskim AGENCIJAMA : Directmedia, Fastbridge, HTTPOOL, DMMCA, Media house,...
*** Najveći oglašivači u WebTv sistemu su: CocaCola, EFG banka, Mazda, VISA, Loreal, HBO, Telenor, Snickers, Samsung, LG ...
Posetioci, njih preko 6 miliona mesečno, pregledaju milione klipova i otvore preko 90 miliona WebTv strana. The network WebTv the most viewed and most influential media group in Serbia and Montenegro.
*** Adria Media Serbia
*** Color Press with the publication of Hello, World, Beauty and Health, Scandal ...
*** Kurir, Chamber of Commerce, Media Center, UNS Press Centre, Hot sport, News Online, World plus ...
*** The CG can look at the online edition of Dan and Win
Major content partners WebTv are: SportNetwork, Andricgrad, Youth, Belgrade, Mikeser house, Hot sport, Color Press, Grand, Media Center, Chamber of Commerce of Belgrade and Novi Sad.
WebTv.rs *** in their network successfully broadcast advertising campaigns - VIDEO ADS (TV commercials) in Preroll, Postroll and Overlay video format, in collaboration with partner agencies: Directmedia, Fastbridge, HTTPOOL, DMMC, Media House, ...
*** Largest advertisers in WebTv system are: CocaCola, EFG Bank, Mazda, VISA, Loreal, HBO, Telenor, Snickers, Samsung, LG ...
Visitors, they are more than 6 million a month, inspect the millions of clips and create over 90 million WebTv page.
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