About tenLogicSMS home automation
tenLogic je sistem kućne automatike, koji se instalira u toku gradnje ili u već izgrađene objekte a može se dograđivati. Ovaj sistem se naziva i pametna kuća, a prepoznatljivi komercijalni nazivi su i PAMETAN STAN, SMART HOME, SMART HOUSE, INTELLIGENT HOME, HOME AUTOMATION, HOME CONTROL, POWER HOUSE, DOMOTICO, Умный дом,...
Kućna automatika kontroliše odnosno može da upravlja i integriše sledeće grupe:
• Upravljanje osvetljenjem
• Upravljanje roletnama, tendama i zavesama
• Upravljanje kućnim aparatima
• Upravljanje klimatizacijom i grejanjem
• Upravljanje garažnim vratima, kapijom i rampom
• Upravljanje bazenom i saunom
• Upravljanje zalivnim sistemom
• Upravljanje redosledom dešavanja u kući (Programski scenariji)
tenLogic is the system of home automation which is installed during construction or in already constructed buildings, and it can be upgraded. This system is also called a smart house, and familiar commercial names are SMART APARTMENT, SMART HOME, SMART HOUSE, INTELLIGENT HOME, HOME AUTOMATION, HOME CONTROL, POWER HOUSE, DOMOTICO, Умный дом,...
Home automation controls i.e. can monitor and integrate next groups:
• Light monitoring
• Monitoring blinds, awnings and curtains
• Monitoring household appliances
• Monitoring air conditioning and heating
• Monitoring the garage door, gate and ramp
• Swimming pool and sauna monitoring
• Monitoring the irrigation system
• Monitoring the sequence of events in the house (Programming scenarios)
tenLogic е систем на куќна автоматика, кој што се инсталира во текот на градбата или во веќе изградени објекти, а може да се доградува. Овој систем се вика паметна куќа, а препознатливи комерцијални називи се и ПАМЕТЕН СТАН, SMART HOME, SMART HOUSE, INTELLIGENT HOME, HOME AUTOMATION, HOME CONTROL, POWER HOUSE, DOMOTICO, Умный дом,...
Куќна автоматика контролира односно може да ги управува и контролира следниве групи:
• Управување со осветлувањето
• Управување со ролетните, тендите и завесите
• Управување на куќните апарати
• Управување на климатизацијата и греењето
• Управување на гаражната врата, капијата и рампата
• Управување на базенот и сауната
• Управување на системот за наводнување
• Управување на редоследот на случувања во домот (Програмски сценарија) ENGLISH:
tenLogic a home automation system, which is installed during construction or have already been constructed and can be upgraded. This system is referred to as smart homes, and commercial names are recognizable and SMART HOUSE, HOME SMART, SMART HOUSE, INTELLIGENT HOME, HOME AUTOMATION, HOME CONTROL, POWER HOUSE, domotic, Smart home, ...
Home automation controls that can manage and integrate the following groups:
• Control lighting
• Management of shutters, awnings and blinds
• Management of household appliances
• Climate control and heating
• Management of the garage door, gate and ramp
• Management of the pool and sauna
• Management of the irrigation system
• Management of the sequence of events in the house (Programming scenarios)
tenLogic is the system of home automation breakfast is installed during construction or in buildings already constructed, and it can be upgraded. This system is also called a smart house, and commercial names are familiar APARTMENT SMART, SMART HOME SMART HOUSE, INTELLIGENT HOME, HOME AUTOMATION, HOME CONTROL, POWER HOUSE, domotic, Smart home, ...
Home automation controls IE can monitor and integrate next groups:
• Light monitoring
• Monitoring of blinds, awnings and curtains
• Monitoring of household appliances
• Monitoring of air conditioning and heating
• Monitoring of the garage door, gate and ramp
• Swimming pool and sauna monitoring
• Monitoring the irrigation system
• Monitoring the sequence of events in the house (programming scenarios)
tenLogic e kuḱna Automatic system, which is installed during gradbata or in already constructed buildings, and can be dograduva. This system is called smart homes, and commercial names are recognizable and clever Apartments SMART HOME SMART HOUSE, INTELLIGENT HOME, HOME AUTOMATION, HOME CONTROL, POWER HOUSE, domotic, Smart home, ...
Kuḱna Automatic control and can manage them and control the following groups:
• Management osvetluvanjeto
• Management of blinds, awnings and curtains
• Management of kuḱnite appliances
• Management of klimatizacijata and HEATING
• Management of garažnata door and ramp kapijata
• Management of bazenot and saunata
• Management of the System for Irrigation
• Management of the order of the Developments in the home (programming scenarios)