About Tako stoje stvari
Second Screen Media Aplikacija je u demo fazi. Služi za emitovanje poruka i komunikaciju sa posetiocima u realnom vremenu. Emisija ''Tako stoje stvari '' koja se emituje na RTS 1, radnim danom od 10 do 12 časova je format koji je pokriven ovom aplikacijom.
Gledaoci će imati priliku da, dok gledaju emisiju, međusobno komuniciraju, komentarišu program, učestvuju u anketama i primaju dodatni sadržaj vezan za program.
Pristup aplikaciji je moguć sa svih uređaja i platformi putem URL adrese : http://rts.second-screen.media
Test period traje od 11.04.2016. do 15.04.2016. Second Screen Media application is in demo stage. It is used for broadcasting messages and communicate with visitors in real time. Emissions '' That's the way things '' which is broadcast on RTS 1, weekdays from 10 to 12 hours is a format that is covered by this application.
Viewers will have the opportunity to, while you watch the show, interacting with each other, commenting on the program, participate in polls and receive additional content related to the program.
Access is possible with all devices and platforms via a URL address: http://rts.second-screen.media
The test period lasts from 04.11.2016. to 04.15.2016.
Download and install
Tako stoje stvari version 1.0 on your
Android device!
Downloaded 500+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package:
rs.nsi.secondscreen.rts.beta, download Tako stoje stvari.apk
by A####:
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