About Sold
Sold.rs je protal za nekretnine koji pokriva teritoriju Subotice.
Ponuda za prodaju i izdavanje nekretnine svakim danom se uvećava.
Na našem portalu možete postaviti informaciju koju nekretninu nudite.
U slučaju da na našem portalu niste našli željenu nekretninu imamo rešenje za Vas - postavite informacije šta želite da kupite ili iznajmljite a mi ćemo rešiti Vas problem. Sold.rs is protal estate that covers the territory of Subotica.
Offer for sale and rental properties is increasing with each passing day.
On our site you can set up a real estate information you have to offer.
In the event that on our website you have not found the wanted real estate, we have a solution for you - put the information what you want to buy or rent and we will solve your problem.