About ialoc - rezervă o masă în oraș
Cu ialoc, poti rezerva o masa in peste 2000 de localuri din Bucuresti, Brasov, Cluj sau Timisoara.
Foloseste ialoc ca sa organizezi iesiri cu prietenii, cine romantice, pranzuri de afaceri si tot felul de evenimente care se pot desfasura in jurul unui pahar de vorba sau al unei farfurii cu bunatati.
*Confirmare prin sms, email si push notification*
Indata ce ai ales unde, cand si cu cati oameni iesi in oras, sistemul nostru iti va trimite rezervarea catre local spre procesare. In maximum 1 ora vei primi un email si un sms cu detaliile rezervarii tale, precum si un push notification.
Rezervarea ta va veni impreuna cu un link unic (scurt) pe care sa il poti trimite celor cu care te vezi in oras. Vor putea vedea acolo detaliile rezervarii si o harta a localului ales. Notificarea primita pe email, are si un atasament .ics care iti permite sa salvezi rezervarea in calendarul de pe telefon sau computer.
Iti vei putea gasi rezervarea si in sectiunea Istoric, impreuna cu toate rezervarile trecute si viitoare pe care le-ai facut prin ialoc.ro.
In plus, daca iti adaugi la Favorite localurile in care iesi des, le vei putea accesa direct din sectiunea dedicata lor.
*Foloseste aplicatia ialoc.ro ca sa*
* afli ce localuri s-au deschis in jurul tau
* descoperi localuri noi
* compari mai multe localuri (in functie de ratingul lor)
* stii cum ajungi la localul X sau Y (chiar daca nu ai deja o rezervare)
* iti rezervi o masa in oras in timpul unei intalniri din care ti-e greu sa iesi
*Intrebari frecvente*
1) De ce imi cereti sa ma loghez cu facebook?
Ca sa scrii mai putin cand faci rezervari (iti preluam de acolo numele si emailul).
2) Ma costa ceva sa folosesc aplicatia?
Nici macar timp. ialoc.ro este un serviciu gratuit si lipsit de reclame.
3) La ce-mi folositi datele?
Iti transmitem datele localului, in momentul in care faci o rezervare. Si te anuntam cand apare o promotie intr-unul din localurile partenere (free drinks, happy hour, oferta de pranz, samd). With ialoc, you can book a table in over 2,000 outlets in Bucharest, Brasov, Cluj and Timisoara.
Use ialoc to organize trips with friends, romantic dinners, business lunches and all kinds of events that can take place around a glass case or a plate of goodies.
* Confirmation via SMS, email and push notification *
Once you choose where, when and how many people go out, our system will send the local booking for processing. In 1 hour maximum will receive an email and a text message with your reservation details and a push notification.
Your booking will come with a unique link (short) that you can send to those you see in the city. There will see reservation details and a map of the place chosen. Notification received by email, has an .ics attachment that allows you to save the booking calendar on your phone or computer.
You will be able to find the book in the history section along with all past and future bookings that you made by ialoc.ro.
In addition, if you add to Favourites premises that out often, you can access them directly from their dedicated section.
* Use application ialoc.ro to *
* Knowing what pubs were opened around you
* Discover new premises
* Compare more places (depending on their rating)
* Know how to get to the place X or Y (even if you already have a reservation)
* You book a table during a meeting in the city in which it's hard to quit
*Frequent questions*
1) Why are you asking me to login with Facebook?
As you write less you make reservations (you take over there name and email).
2) cost me anything to use the application?
Not even time. ialoc.ro is a free service and free of commercials.
3) What do you use the data?
We send your premises, when you book. And notify you when there is a promotion in one of the partner premises (free drinks, happy hour, offer lunch, etc.).
by X####:
De mult n-am mai ras asa. Ah, da, si aplicatia e mai faina decat acum o luna, big like.