Radio Vocea Speranței

Radio Vocea Speranței Free App

Rated 4.85/5 (108) —  Free Android application by Hevsoft


About Radio Vocea Speranței

RadioVoceaSperanței este o aplicație care facilitează ascultarea online a postului de radio Radio Vocea Speranței.
Radio Vocea Sperantei este radio-ul oficial al Bisericii Adventiste de Ziua a Saptea din Romania.

Radio Vocea Sperantei face parte din reteaua mondiala Adventist World Radio, infiintata in anul 1971, care transmite programe in intreaga lume, in peste 70 de limbi, insumand mii de ore de emisie zilnic.

In Romania, Radio Vocea Sperantei emite incepand cu anul 1992. In prezent, exista o retea de 45 de statii locale proprii cu emisie de 24 de ore pe zi si cinci statii locale proprii cu program de doua pana la 18 ore pe zi. Radio Vocea Sperantei poate fi receptionat si prin satelit si internet.

Programele transmise din studiourile Radio Vocea Sperantei transmit mesajul Bibliei tuturor celor care doresc sa il cunoasca si au o tematica sociala, medicala, educativa, culturala si religioasa.

Intr-o lume indiferenta, confuza si cu valori rasturnate, Vocea Sperantei este un altfel de radio, avand un altfel de mesaj. Prin subiectele de actualitate, prin tonul cald si optimist al realizatorilor si prin interesul pentru problemele ascultatorilor, radio Vocea Sperantei este alaturi de toti cei care au nevoie de un prieten, de putere si de speranta. RadioVoceaSperanţei is an application that facilitates listening to online radio station Voice of Hope.
Radio Voice of Hope radio is the official website of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Romania.

Radio Voice of Hope is part of a global network Adventist World Radio, founded in 1971, which broadcasts worldwide in over 70 languages, totaling thousands of hours of daily broadcasting.

In Romania, Radio Voice of Hope issues since 1992. There is currently a network of 45 local stations own emission 24 hours a day and five local stations with their own program two to 18 hours a day. Radio Voice of Hope can be received and satellite and internet.

Programs broadcast from studios Radio Voice of Hope Bible message across to all who wish to know him and have a theme of social, medical, educational, cultural and religious.

In a world indifferent, confused and overturned values, Voice of Hope radio is different, with a different message. By topical issues by warm and optimistic tone of the filmmakers and the interest in the problems of listeners, Radio Voice of Hope is with everyone who needs a friend, power and hope.

How to Download / Install

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