Dorinte catre stele for Android
Utilitati adiacente:
Scopuri educationale: Transpunerea textului inserat in codul morse direct in aplicatie
Scopuri recreative: Utila pentru toti cei care iubesc camping-ul, drumetiile sau navigatul
Scopuri de divertisment: aplicatia poate fi folosita si la concerte/evenimente de amploare pentru ca oamenii sa se regaseasca in multime
Folosind aplicatia poti scrie orice cuvant sau mesaj, iar telefonul tau il va traduce in codul morse, prin intermediul blitului telefonului.
Nu indrepta blitul direct catre ochi.
Folosirea indelungata a luminii telefonului poate duce la descarcarea bateriei.
Adjacent Utilities:
Educational Goals: Translations of text in Morse code inserted directly into the application
Recreational Purposes: Utila for all those who love the camping, hiking or boating
Entertainment Purposes: the application can be used to concerts / large events for people to be found in lot
Using the application you can write any word or message and your phone will translate it in morse code via phone flash.
No flash head directly to the eye.
Prolonged use of light phone can drain the battery.
by S####: