About Amedeea Timisoara
Amedeea din Timisoara si-a crescut in scurt timp faima printre gurmanzii timisoreni ca un loc care serveste cu drag mancare foarte buna si la portii mari. De fapt, "portii" e un termen impropriu, pentru ca Amedeea ofera clientului mancare cat sa se sature.
De ce mancarea e asa de buna la Amedeea?
Bucatarii Amedeea nu-si incep dimineata in bucatarie, ci la piata. De aici, bucatarii restaurantului Amedeea aleg cele mai proapspete ingredinete pentru mancarea ce urmeaza a fi preparta pentru dumneavostra zi ziua respectiva. Poate pare greu de crezut, dar la Amedeea semipreparatele nu sunt pe lista de ingrediente.
Nu ne intereseaza sa servim mancare congelata decongelata, ci mancare proaspata, pregatita in ziua comenzii, preparata la scurt timp dupa comanda.
Care e principalul avantaj al acestei tehnici de preparare-servire? Mancarea este foarte buna, gustul, calitatea mancarii preparate si servite de Amedeea sunt cele care ne recomanda! Amedee Timisoara has increased shortly fame among gourmets Timisoara as a place that serves good food with love and large portions. In fact, "gate" is a misnomer, because it provides the customer Amedee as food to the full.
Why food is so good at Amedee?
Kitchens Amedee not to start the morning in the kitchen, but at the market. Hence, chefs proapspete Amedee ingredinete to choose the food to be preparta day for your day. It may seem hard to believe, but Amedee processed foods are not on the list of ingredients.
We are not interested to serve thawed frozen food but fresh food, prepared on order, prepared shortly after ordering.
What is the main advantage of this technique of cooking-serving? The food is very good, taste, quality food prepared and served by Amedee are recommending us!