About Bionica
Build up your health with Bionica.
This application is the assistant of your health.
The application works only if the Bionica device is connected to your iPhone
Bionica - this innovative technology restore homeostasis of the human body in different states in the home!
To improve the effectiveness of the treatment and additional help for your health and for quick recovery after physical exertion.
Learn how to use Bionica, you can read the brief instructions in the app. Select the required procedure or form a course of several.
The app offers notification of completion of procedures. You can read about the recommended duration and frequency of use of procedures, all of the recommendations described on the detail screen of each procedure. App Bionica let me remind you about the next session of formed course.
Supported unlimited number of user profiles, each of them can be formed by individual course.
The use of technology Bionica shall not constitute a waiver of treatment and medications, if any, had been prescribed by a doctor.
Bionica will help You stay healthy.
Bionica device can always be "at hand”, due to its compact size.
Developed by the company CJSC "Scientific-production Association "Informational Biophysics of the cell"" (Closed Joint-Stock Reaserch and Development Company "Scientific Production Association "Informational Biophysics of the Cell").
Our team is constantly working to improve the product.
Stay tuned!