About SMA Future Gate
Aplikasi SMA Future Gate Bekasi
Pengembangan Kurikulum yang inovatif, progressif, dan visioner adalah ciri khusus sekolah-sekolah yang kami kembangkan. Kurikulum SMA FUTURE GATE didisain untuk menyambut peluang-tantangan masa depan. Jenjang SMA adalah tangga terakhir menuju pendidikan tinggi. Penting sekali bagi siswa SMA untuk memiliki kesiapan berupa penguasaan basis dan instrumen belajar, mencakup basis aqidah, karakter, pemahaman Al Qur’an dan As Sunnah. Mencakup pula instrumen bahasa dan learning skill. Di samping itu, melalui pengembangan kewirausahaan dididikkan nilai dan karakter kemandirian, tanggung jawab, kreativitas, dan ketangguhan. Dengan dukungan kontribusi dari dalam dan luar negeri, insya Allah SMA FG akan berkembang menjadi sekolah dengan kompetensi tinggi.
Alamat :
SMA Future Gate
Jl. Yudistira, Komplek Pemda Jatiasih Blok A Jawa Barat 17423
TELP : 021-70 73 44 90, SMS : 0813 18 1234 18, email : smafuturegate@gmail.com Applications Gate High School Future Bekasi
Curriculum development of innovative, progressive and visionary is a special feature of the schools that we have developed. FUTURE GATE high school curriculum designed to welcome the opportunities-challenges of the future. SMA is the last step towards higher education. It is important for high school students to have readiness in the form of base and instrument mastery learning, includes base faith, character, understanding the Qur'an and Sunnah. Also include the instrument of language and learning skills. In addition, through the development of entrepreneurship dididikkan value and character of independence, responsibility, creativity, and toughness. With the support of contributions from within and outside the country, God willing SMA FG will develop into schools with high competence.
Address :
Future Gate High School
Jl. Yudhisthira, Jatiasih Local Government Complex Block A West Java 17423
Tel: 021-70 73 44 90, SMS: 0813 18 1234 18, email: smafuturegate@gmail.com
by R####: