About resala hal mushkil
Shah Hamadan, besides being a mystic saint and an effective preacher, was a man of letters and wrote about a hundred pamphlets in Arabic and Persian: Zakhirat-ul-Maluk, a famous book, has been translated in many languages. Some other famous works are:
1- Risalah Nooriyah, is a tract on contemplation
2- Risalah Maktubaat, contains Amir-i-Kabir’s letters
3- Dur Mu’rifati Surat wa Sirat-i-Insaan, discusses the bodily and moral features of man
4- Dur Haqaa’iki Tawbah, deals with the real nature of penitence
5- Hallil Nususi allal Fusus, is a commentary on Ibn-ul-‘Arabi’s Fusus-ul-Hikam
6- Sharhi Qasidah Khamriyah Fariziyah, is a commentary on the wine-qasidah of ‘Umar ibn ul-Fariz who died in 786 A.H. =1385 A.C.
7- Risalatul Istalahaat, is a treatise on Sufic terms and expressions
8- ‘ilmul Qiyafah or Risalah-i qiyafah is an essay on physiognomy. A copy of this exists in the United States National Library of Medicine.
9- Dah Qa’idah gives ten rules of contemplative life
10- Kitabul Mawdah Fil Qurba, puts together traditions on affection among relatives
11- Kitabus Sab’ina Fi Fadha’il Amiril Mu’minin, gives the seventy virtues of Hazrat ‘Ali.
12- Arba’ina Amiriyah, is forty traditions on man’s future life
13- Rawdhtul Firdaws, is an extract of a larger work entitled
14- Manazilus Saaliqin, is on Sufi-ism
15- Awraad-ul-Fatehah, gives a conception of the unity of God and His attributes
sufia noorbakhshia nurbakhsh, sofia norbakhshia, silsila zahab
by M####:
Thanks bua hasnu nd the content writer