About Tricolor Paulista
O app Tricolor Paulista tem conteúdos originais compartilhados por torcedores, com informação em tempo real de tudo que acontece, tanto nos bastidores, como no dia-a-dia, resultados dos jogos, hinos, comentários sobre o atual momentos e dos jogos, músicas das torcidas e eventos.
O objetivo do aplicativo é fornecer informação relevante aos torcedores, e sempre ajudar a propagar o Tricolor Paulista para todo o mundo. O nosso clube de coração merece tudo de melhor. Seja um sócio torcedor, para que a diretória consiga ter capital, portanto, investir cada vez mais em nosso time do coração.
Vamos SOBERANO com tudo !!! Nosso fã clube nunca vai te abandonar e vamos apoiar em tudo. Mesmo em momentos difíceis, sempre estaremos com você.
Torcedores, caso tenham dúvidas ou sugestões envie pelo aplicativo. Iremos engajar torcedores porque unidos vamos seremos mais fortes.
Venha conosco fazer parte da maior TORCIDA DIGITAL e seja um sócio torcedor e apoie o Tricolor Paulista.
English Version
The Tricolor Paulista app has original content shared by fans, with real-time information of everything that happens, both behind the scenes, as the day-to-day, game results, hymns, comments on the current time and games, music the twisted and events.
The aim of the application is to provide relevant information to the fans, and always help spread the Tricolor Paulista to the world. Our hearts club deserves all the best. Be a fan partner, so that the board can have capital therefore invest more in our favorite team.
Let SOVEREIGN with everything !!! Our fan club will never abandon you and will support at all. Even in difficult times, we will be with you.
Fans, if they have questions or suggestions send the application. We will engage fans because united we will be stronger.
Come with us to be part of larger TWISTED DIGITAL and be a fan partner and support the Tricolor Paulista.
El Tricolor Paulista de aplicación tiene contenido original compartida por los aficionados, con información en tiempo real de todo lo que sucede, tanto detrás de las escenas, como el, los resultados del juego, himnos, comentarios sobre el tiempo y los juegos actuales, la música día a día el torcido y eventos.
El objetivo de la aplicación es proporcionar información relevante a los fans, y siempre ayudar a difundir la Tricolor Paulista al mundo. Nuestro club de corazón merece todo lo mejor. Ser un socio del ventilador, por lo que la junta puede tener, por tanto, el capital invierta más en nuestro equipo favorito.
Deje SOBERANO con todo !!! Nuestro club de fans nunca te abandonará y apoyará en absoluto. Incluso en tiempos difíciles, estaremos con usted.
Hichas, si tienen alguna duda o sugerencia envíe la solicitud. Vamos a atraer a los fanáticos ya unidos seremos más fuertes.
Ven con nosotros a ser parte del mayor TORCIDO digital y ser un socio del ventilador y apoyar la Tricolor Paulista.
VISITE EL OFICIAL WEBSITE DE Tricolor Paulista The Tricolor Paulista app has original content shared by fans, with real-time information of everything that happens, both behind the scenes, as the day-to-day, game results, hymns, comments on the current time and games, Musics twisted and events.
The aim of the application is to provide relevant information to the fans, and always help spread the Tricolor Paulista to the world. Our hearts club deserves all the best. Be a fan partner, so that the board can have capital therefore invest more in our favorite team.
Let SOVEREIGN with everything !!! Our fan club will never abandon you and will support at all. Even in difficult times, we will be with you.
Fans, if they have questions or suggestions send the application. We will engage fans because united we will be stronger.
Come with us to be part of larger TWISTED DIGITAL and be a fan partner and support the Tricolor Paulista.
Inglês Version
The Tricolor Paulista original has content shared by app fans, real-time with information of everything que happens, BOTH behind the scenes, the the day-to-day, game results, hymns, comments on the current team and games, music the twisted and events.
The aim of the application is to Provide relevant information to the fans, and always help spread the Tricolor Paulista to the world. Our hearts club deserves all the best. Be a fan partner, so the board can have que capital Therefore invest more in our favorite team.
Let SOVEREIGN with everything !!! Our fan club will never abandon you and will support at all. Even in Difficult times, we will be with you.
Fans, If They have questions or suggestions send the application. We will engage fans because united we will be stronger.
Come with us to be part of larger TWISTED DIGITAL and be a fan partner and support the Tricolor Paulista.
El Tricolor Paulista de aplicación tiene original contenido shared by them aficionados, con información en tiempo real around you that happens, both behind them escenas as el, los resultados del juego, Himnos, comentarios sobre el tiempo y los actuales juegos, la music day to day el twisted and events.
El objetivo de la aplicación es provide relevant información a los fans, siempre y ayudar spread it Tricolor Paulista al mundo. Nuestro corazón club deserves lo mejor. Being un socio del fan for it that it joins puede tener, therefore, capital invierta el más en nuestro equipo favorite.
Deje SOVEREIGN con todo !!! Nuestro club fans never abandon you apoyará y en absolute. Included en tiempos DIFICILES, we con usted.
Hichas, si tienen alguna duda la solicitud the sugerencia forwards. Let's atraer to them united ya fanatics will be bad fuertes.
Ven con nosotros to be part del mayor digital TWISTED y ser un socio del fan apoyar y la Tricolor Paulista.
by Q####:
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