Vox4all 2.0 for Android
Vox4all® offers multiple adjustable features for each user:
- 4 Available languages - English (EN), Spanish (SP), Portuguese (PT), Portuguese (BR)
- Symbolinc - Imagina symbols for literacy and inclusion
- Compatibility for using ARASAAC symbols for free.
- Fast reply menu for “Yes/No”.
- Unlimited number of grids and personalized cells with images, symbols, photographs, text, voice and different colors.
- Communication grids according to the therapeutic needs or contextualized with the environment where the user is located.
- Voice recording, creating bonds of proximity between the user.
- Incorporated Text to Speech (TTS) (*).
- Touch time setting.
- Direct and reverse scanning.
- Multilingual grids creation with voices from different languages;
- Helping tips simple and intuitive.
(*) Uses 1 voice from Acapela or any voice installed in your device
Designed for learning, alternative and augmentative communication (AAC), autism, cerebral palsy and intelectual disability.