About Capacele
Buna! Aici este Capacul de la Tymbark!
Afla care este cea mai noua versiune a aplicatiei mele! Poti extrage zilnic un nou text si poti sa verifici ce am sa-ti spun. Fiecare text se inregistreaza in arhiva ta, iar cand doresti, poti vorbi cu prietenii tai prin intermediul comunicatorului special, Capacul!
Vezi cum arata fundalurile surprinzatoare, castiga puncte si verifica statistica activitatilor tale sau creaza propriile tale capace cu texte si imparte-le cu prietenii. Hi! Here is the cover of the Tymbark!
Find out which is the newest version of my! You can extract a new text daily and you can check what I tell you. Each text is registered in your archive, and when you like, you can talk with your friends via communicator particular cover!
See how it looks amazing backgrounds, gain points and check your statistics activities or create your own caps with text and share them with friends.