About Mistrz tekstu
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Aplikacja Mistrz tekstu to zbiór najpopularniejszych, zabawnych tekstów z polskiego Internetu, filmu w formie dźwięków. Wystarczy w odpowiednim momencie wcisnąć właściwy przycisk by rozbawić całe Twoje towarzystwo!
Możliwość ustawienia tekstów jako śmieszne dzwonki powiadomień oraz jako widget.
Wśród tekstów aplikacji znajdziesz takie klasyki jak "ale urwał!", "jem zupę", "siema heniu", "jestem hardkorem", "siła", "recket fuel", "miota nim jak szatan", "lubie placki", "moje pole", "koniec imprezy", "ale osiemnastka", "to jest amelinium", "forfiter", "co się stało", "kadetem tera", "ale to było dobre", "będę grał w grę", "babciu", "chce mi się szczać", "cycki se usmaż", "daj kamienia", "dykty ciężkie", "jedziemy dawaj malina", "krew się poleje", "lubisz to suko", "matka wie, że ćpiesz", "nie ma lipy", "nie no co Ty tato", "nie ma takiego bicia", "parabole", "połowa służb", "super partia", "top model", "śmiech waldusia", "trzy słowa", "trolooo", "urwiesz mi", "mleko", "zalegalizować marihuanę" itp. Welcome to Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MistrzTekstu
Master application is a collection of the most popular text, funny Polish texts from the Internet, the movie sounds. Just at the right moment, press the appropriate button to entertain your entire company!
Ability to set texts as funny ringtones and notifications as a widget.
Among the texts will find applications such classics as "but stopped short", "eat soup", "Whats Heniu", "I'm Hardkor", "strength", "recket fuel", "hurls him like the devil", "I like pancakes" " my field, "" the end of the event, "" but the eighties "," this is amelinium "," forfiter "," what happened "," cadet tera "," but it was good "," I played the game "" Grandma, "" I want to piss "," boobs se fry "," give a stone "," heavy cardboard "," go give raspberry "," blood will be shed, "" like a bitch "," mother knows that ćpiesz "" no lime "," do not you come on, Dad, "" there is no such beatings "," parables "," half service "," super party "," top model "," laughter waldusia "," three words "" trolooo "," tear off me "," milk "," legalize marijuana ", etc.