MeM Finder

MeM Finder Free App

Rated 4.71/5 (14) —  Free Android application by Aicreative


About MeM Finder

Memfinder to aplikacja która skraca czas konieczny do nawiązania i przekazania kontaktu, dając więcej czasu na rozmowę i wzajemne poznanie. Zapomnij o kartonikowych wizytówkach, kawiarnianych serwetkach i dziwnych – niezidentyfikowanych numerach.
Jak działa memfinder? Natychmiast!
Ale tylko za Twoją zgodą
Natychmiastowa wymiana kontaktów
Zastąp wysłużoną wizytówkę elektronicznym profilem, możliwym do natychmiastowej publikacji czy wymiany z kontrahentem, współpracownikiem, znajomym
Wiele Twarzy
Utwórz swój profil firmowy, rodzinny, hobbystyczny, randkowy, zagraniczny, krajowy, dla przyjaciół, dla nieznajomych. Bądź kim chcesz w każdym momencie
Poznaj wszystkich, którzy się liczą – natychmiast!
Zdobądź kontakty do wszystkich najważniejszych osób z branży, firmy, okolicy, czy eventu. Otrzymuj i dziel się swoimi kontaktami masowo.
Bądź Liderem i Hostem
Zachęcaj partnerów, klientów, współpracowników i najbliższych, aby wraz z Tobą odwiedzali najciekawsze wydarzenia i brali udział w niesamowitych spotkaniach. Włącz funkcję Host/Follow Me i wskaż właściwą drogę.
Poznaliśmy się już, prawda? Tylko gdzie to było? Powiąż swoje kontakty z miejscem, data i okolicznościami poznania. Przypisz kontakty do swojego profilu i twórz swoje własne światy wartościowych kontaktów.
Memfinder zapamięta za Ciebie wszystkie daty, miejsca i osoby, które spotkasz.
Zarządzanie kontaktami stanie się proste i oszczędzi Twój cenny czas.

Wersja Angielska

Krótki opis:
Memfinder means easier & faster contact mngmt..
It saves dates, places, people .. and much more
Pełny opis:
Memfinder simply cuts time needed to engage contact and exchange contact information. It enables to you have more time for conversation, establishing relation, getting to know your partner. No more handwritten coffe shop napkin contact, nor old time card board visit cards. Their time has come and gone.
How does memfinder work? Immediately! But only if you allow it!
Instant contact sharing
It’s time to replace your old, worn up business card with a ready to use, publish or share e-profile. Exchange it with your customers and save on visit card costs – practical and simple.
One name – many faces!
Be, who you want to be – every time. With memfinder you can create many profiles – each, regarding different part of your life, for ex. business profile, hobby profile, private profile or a family profile. Now, you’ll be able to assign contacts where they truly belong.
Know everyone who’s anyone – NOW!
You can get in touch with all the most influential and important people in each branch, company or region. Make yourself available for a new- better networking opportunities.
Be a host -Become a leader!
Engage your partners, colleagues and business contacts by inviting them to valuable meetings and workshops. Be the one to show them the way – lead the way. Turn on the “Follow me” and let the world Fallow you!
Note, associate, describe – Remember!
There are people, important people, that fade away in your memories. Remember them – by adding a note of description regarding for ex. Date, place, or a situation you’ve made first contact or the most astounding impression. Than – simply follow up – whenever you need!
Imagine, being able to acquire a contact, describe it in your own personalized way, share – or mass share it within your company or closest colleagues. Each function works separately for each of the profile you’ve created.
Therefore – none of your business and private contacts will mix, unless you want them to… that decision is yours to make, and yours alone.
Memfinder will save all dates, places, and people you ever encounter along with your own tag-descriptions.
Easier & faster contact management – to save much more of your precious time.
Feel complete power of memfinder - your personalized contact Management application Memfinder is an application which shortens the time required to establish and provide contact, giving more time for conversation and mutual understanding. Forget about kartonikowych business cards, napkins and quirky cafes - An unidentified numbers.
How does memfinder? Immediately!
But only with your permission
Immediate replacement contacts
Replace interconnect technology electronic business card profile, as possible for immediate release or exchange with the counterparty, co-worker, friend
Many Face
Create your profile corporate, family, hobby, dating, foreign, domestic, for friends, for strangers. Be who you want at any time
Meet all those who count - instantly!
Collect contacts to all the most important people in the industry, company, location, or event. Receive and share your contacts en masse.
Be a leader and Host
Encourage your partners, customers, colleagues and loved ones, to work with you they visited the most interesting events and participated in eerie encounters. Enable Host / Follow Me, and point the right way.
We met already, did not you? But where was it? Link your contacts with the place, date and circumstances of knowledge. Assign contacts to your profile and create their own worlds of valuable contacts.
Memfinder remember for you all the dates, places and people that you meet.
Contact management becomes simple and saves you valuable time.

English version

Short description:
Means Memfinder easier & faster contact mngmt ..
It saves dates, places, people and much more ..
Full description:
Memfinder simply cuts time needed to engage the contact and exchange contact information. It is Enables you have more time for conversation, Establishing relation, getting to know your partner. No more handwritten coffe shop napkin contact, nor an old time card board visit cards. Their time has come and gone.
How does memfinder work? Immediately! But only if you allow it!
Instant contact sharing
It's time to replace your old, worn up a business card with a ready to use, publish or share email profiles. Exchange it with your customers and save on visit card costs - practical and simple.
One name - many faces!
Be, who you want to be - every time. With memfinder you can create many profiles - each, regarding to different part of your life, for ex. business profiles, hobby profiles, private and family profiles or profiles. Now, you'll be able assign contacts is where they truly belong.
Know everyone who's anyone - NOW!
You can get in touch with all the most influential and important people in each branch, company or region. Make yourself available for a new- better networking opportunities.
Be a host -Become a leader!
Engage your partners, colleagues and business contacts by inviting them a valuable meetings and workshops. Be the one to show them the way - lead the way. Turn on the "Follow Me" and let the world Fallow you!
Note, associate, describe - Remember!
There are people, important people, that fade away in your memories. Remember them - by adding a note of description regarding to for ex. Date, place, or a situation you've made first contact or the bridge impression astounding. Than - simply follow up - whenever you need!
Imagine being able to acquire a contact, describe it in your own personalized way, share - or mass share it within your company or closest colleagues. Each function works Separately for each of the profiles you've created.
Therefore - none of your business and private contacts will mix them: unless you want it ... That decision is yours to make, and yours alone.
Memfinder will save all dates, places, and people you ever encounter along with your own tag-descriptions.
Easier & faster contact management - to save much more of your precious time.
Feel the complete power of memfinder - your personalized contact management application

How to Download / Install

Download and install MeM Finder version 1.0.2 on your Android device!
Downloaded 100+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: pl.aicreative.memfinder, download MeM Finder.apk

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