GlassBoard 8th Marathi Medium for Android
Ok but not 8th why did lieing
Most useful app
Very nice but all this not open the lesson
Kahi dhade uplabdh nahi
विद्यार्थ्यांना व् शिक्षकासाठी अत्यंत उपयोगी आहे
चांगला आहे पण काही धडे उपलब्ध नाही
This app is most useful app..i like it...
महाराष्ट्रात शैक्षणिक क्षेत्रात अत्याधुनिक शैक्षणिक सूविधा
Wonderful... App for schools student. I like it very much.. Pls download n share it..
Study any time any where.
Another good app for school and share it...
Kokani bhaidas nandurbar
by C####:
Good app And good stde