Phytus Club for Android
Neste aplicativo apresentamos (por enquanto) os conteúdos gratuitos das categorias Fotos, Vídeos, Materiais Didáticos e Diagnoses/Identificações. Em breve contaremos com novas categorias e com a modalidade Premium. Em caso de problemas, entre em contato conosco pelo e-mail
The Phytus Club is now the Phytus Club: a new platform for experience and knowledge of the agricultural means of assistance in the field, with new categories, more complete content and also free materials quality. In our content approach issues such as fighting diseases, pest and weeds, crop management, pesticide application techniques and inputs, optimizing agricultural production, among others. All this refers to various crops such as soybeans, coffee, cotton, sugarcane, rice, maize, wheat, etc. Are technical and agronomic information developed by professionals and employees Phytus Institute that will help you, sister, to answer your questions. To access this free and qualified material you need to complete your free registration.In this application we present (for now) the free content of the categories Photos Videos Didactic Materials and Diagnoses / Identifications. Soon we will have new categories and Premium mode. In case of problems, please contact us by email