About Passbox
Save and protect your code, pin, password, passfrase, ecc...
At last, you haven't to remember all your pin, code, password, access numbers in mind, or write it in place of luck, with the risk that pryings eyes can read its.
With this application, you can store all your code, secrets numbers, passwords, PC login, bancomat or credit cards pin, gym padlock number, and any other information you want keep safe.
Store all in one on more archive, and encript the entire archive with only one password, that thanks to the AES sicure system, it will ensure you and at you passwords, a military secure level!
All password, code, pin, and any other information will be store in the app, will not be visible in any way from the extern world; it will be sotred in encrypted form, only on the user device where the app is intalled or in DropBox user account in case of synchronization, and only the user can see or delete the stored data, using the password choice to protect the inforations.