
SynergyMMS Free App

Rated 4.30/5 (10) —  Free Android application by Systems Associates, Inc.


About SynergyMMS

The guest’s experience in a hotel is influenced by the quality of the hotel as well as the quality of the service they receive. SynergyMMS is a proven solution in hospitality that provides tools used to improve the guest’s experience by facilitating communication between the many departments involved in the maintenance process. When communication improves, efficiency improves as does the quality of both the product and service offered by hotels.

SynergyMobile is an extension of SynergyMMS that allows mobile users to access the system in a way that is convenient and highly efficient providing the information they need in a simple and intuitive fashion. With SynergyMobile, the transfer of information between departments happens seamlessly and automatically.

The application is asynchronous so a persistent connection is not required meaning you can continue using SynergyMobile where no wireless signal exists. The application offers the following feature set:

•Work requests
-Add parts/labor
•PM Inspection Checklist
-Record each answer with pass/fail
•Equipment details management
-Datasheets included
•Inventory management
-Check out/Receive/Audit

Additional Features:
•Support for Portrait/Landscape screen rotation
•Both UPC and QR barcode reading now supported
•Filtering of work request list for those assigned to “me”, “my department”, “none” or “all” (rights-dependent)
•Search the list by location, equipment and/or keyword in the description
•Icons now display for guest requests and PM tasks in the work request list
•PICTURES! You can attach pictures to work requests and view those attached through the main program
•Inspection items can be linked to a task code or keyword to auto-fill a new work request when problems are indicated
SynergyMobile: It is all in the palm of your hand.

Please contact Systems Associates to obtain access to SynergyMobile at

How to Download / Install

Download and install SynergyMMS version 2.0.48 on your Android device!
Downloaded 1,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: ost.synmms, download SynergyMMS.apk

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App History & Updates

What's Changed
Bug fixes
Version update SynergyMMS was updated to version 2.0.48
More downloads  SynergyMMS reached 1 000 - 5 000 downloads

What are users saying about SynergyMMS

by T####:

Amazing application for hotels

by T####:

(updated 2/3/17Every time I push anything or even re open the app it has to reload. Notifications ring twice, once when received and again when I open the notification. App still takes an egregious amount of time to load any time you click on something. Pressing back when on the WR message page opens the form for a new WR. Sometimes cannot load the message page to accept a WR without force closing and reopening. Still cannot see the sender/creator of a WR from the app.

by D####:

Every time I push anything or even re open the app it has to reload. Also logs me out randomly. I cannot receive new WRs because they go to my company issued device first, priority on a wr should be set to the account not the device. Also want to see who issued a wr via mobile device. Sometimes the more tab and info tab open at the same time and overlap. Back button has no effect. Would like the ability to site left or right thru screens without needing to push the buttons at bottom.

by D####:

The only problem i have with the app is once the request is complete it goes away and you cant see it any more. And one other thing you can not dispatch request like you can on the desktop thats the only thing i have a problem with

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10 users