Call History Search & Delete

Call History Search & Delete Free App

Rated 5.00/5 (1) —  Free Android application by Fara Apps


About Call History Search & Delete

Some Android users are missing some call history options, like call duration option, this quick app covers this shortage,furthermore it gives the abillity to search in call history by name or number for the last 60 (incoming/outcoming/missed calls). This App -Shows last 20 incoming calls. -Shows last 20 outcoming calls. -Shows last 20 missed calls. -Delete selected call, add to contact, send sms. -Under Options tab, you can search in up to 60 last calls regardless of thier types. -Dial a call. -Delete call history before a specific date.

In the paid version "Call Log Search & Del Ad-Free", In the menu by clicking on "Preferences" button, you can choose to show up to 50 calls per call category, and gives the ability to search in last 120 calls, you can also switch to full screen.

This is the best Call Log Program, which meets the needs of every mobile user! have fun!


When the device is off-line, the advertisement banner appears black, this problem has been solved, and the black box is disappeared in this new version.

Under Preferences you can switch to Fullscreen mode, and choose to close the program when recieve or make a call.

After adding contact, the added name will not be updated in the call log list, and keep getting cashed data, this problem has been solved in this version.

How to Download / Install

Download and install Call History Search & Delete version 3.0 on your Android device!
Downloaded 1,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: osa.fara.CallHistorySearch, download Call History Search & Delete.apk

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