About EtherZero Wallet
EtherZero Wallet makes it easy to create secure wallets without the command line or the need to run an EtherZero client on your computer. By running EtherZero Wallet on your device, you can create EtherZero wallets for your ether holdings including:
- Multiple EtherZero addresses
- Identity icons for addresses
- Generate new wallets
- Import client wallet from key files and paper wallets with QR-codes
- Generate transactions from the imported wallet files
- Send payment
- Scan and save Barcodes
- Buy/Sell items and confirm payments
- Smart contract deployment
- .etz domain registration
- Push notifications
- Bar-code publish/restore
- Available in 17 languages: ES, FR, DE, IT, RU, PT, JA, zh-CN, FI, PL, HU, IN, KN, NL, NO, TR, VI, EL
I hope that the app will help to accomplish easy way to sell and buy through EtherZero network.