About 我的
“我的”应用采用“拓视野,换视角,发现心视界”等转念方式,可快速有效的将用户情绪振动频率及能量有负转正,提升用户能量层级。 "My" people committed to the self-conscious awareness guide is [consciousness] industry pioneer, is also the leader in Internet education.
"My" is a learning tool for self-improvement, which is characterized by providing subjectivity, personalization and interactivity.
"I" is an Internet education platform, truly do "individualized" to achieve the mobile technology and Internet-based education. Its purpose is to subvert the transmission mode of education to change the way people acquire knowledge.
"I" is a spread positive energy, promote high-end mobile applications, "heart" of life. It is located in the subconscious upgrade, designed to help users eliminate negative emotions, beyond the self return true to me, to guide users keep peace, joy, loving mood.
"I" application using "extension vision, change perspective, found heart horizon" and switched mode, the user can quickly and effectively emotional vibration frequency and energy have turned positive, to enhance the user energy level.