About 中餐西餐菜譜大全
中餐西餐菜譜大全包含20000多道各式菜肴,包括八大菜系,魯菜、川菜、粵菜、蘇菜、閩菜、浙菜、湘菜、徽菜等。可以按菜系瀏覽,並且支持心得記錄,我們可以自行記錄需要註意的要點,軟件運行流暢,如果喜愛美味和烹飪,可以考慮使用壹下。世界各地,各種口味,各種風情,讓我們盡情做出屬於自己的那份美食。 Encyclopedia Chinese Western recipes channel comprising more than 20,000 kinds of dishes, including eight dishes, Shandong, Sichuan, Cantonese, Jiangsu cuisine, Fujian, Zhejiang cuisine, Hunan, Slices like. You can browse by cuisine, experience and support record, points to be noted we can record themselves, the software runs smoothly, if love and delicious cooking, consider using at One. Around the world, a variety of tastes, a variety of style, let us enjoy making their own share of food.