About Dictionnaire Kassem
Ce dictionnaire vous permette de découvrir la langue kassem. En cliquant sur le bouton de «recherche» (la petite loupe en haut à droite), une fenêtre s’ouvre et vous pouvez taper des mots en kassem, français ou anglais. Tapez «search» et une nouvelle fenêtre va afficher les résultats.
La langue kasɩm (= Kasem, kassem ou kassim) est une langue «voltaïque» qui a été classée dans le groupe A (occidental) de la sous-famille gourounsi, les deux autres langues du groupe étant le «nuni» (Léo) et le «lyélé» (Réo).
Bien qu'il y ait intercompréhension parmi les Kassena, il existe cependant toute une gradation de variantes dialectales.
En gros, nous pouvons distinguer trois parlers:
Le dialecte oriental qui est localisé dans les agglomérations de Tiébélé et de Kampala au Burkina et de Navrongo, de Paga et de Chiana au Ghana.
Le dialecte occidental qui est localisé dans les agglomérations de Pô, de Ponkouyan et de Songo.
Le dialecte de l'agglomération de Guiaro (à l'ouest de Tiakané).
Le présent dictionnaire contient plus de 5 000 mots et expressions kassem traduits en français et souvent éclairés par des phrases illustratives. En général, nous avons retenu le parler de Tiébélé comme parler de référence du kassem. Il y a des cas où nous avons ajouté des variantes dialectales, mais nous n'avons pas pu tenir compte de toutes les variantes. Evidemment, le kassem a encore beaucoup de mots qui ne sont pas inclus dans ce document.
Ce dictionnaire peut être utile pour atteindre plusieurs objectifs :
Il peut aider les Kassena à écrire leur langue maternelle.
Il servira aux enseignants et aux alphabétiseurs comme lexique de référence.
Il peut vous aider à découvrir des mots kassem : par exemple 250 noms d'animaux et environ 180 noms de plantes, et même des mots qui risquent de disparaître.
Il peut vous aider à découvrir la culture des Kassena.
« Un dictionnaire est la vie d'un peuple mise en ordre alphabétique. »
Introduction (English)
To search an item, just click on the small search icon on the top right and a search window will appear. Type the word (in Kasem, French or English) you are looking for into the search field and click «search». A new window with the search results will open and you can find your dictionary entry.
The present dictionary contains more than 5000 entries which we have partly translated into English. As a general rule, we have written the standard dialect of Tiébélé. Sometimes, however, we have added some dialect variants where it was pertinent. Of course this dictionary contains only a fraction of the existing Kasem vocabulary.
This dictionary's scope is to:
Help the Kasem speakers to correctly write their language.
This dictionary can help the literacy teachers to have a standard of reference or spelling guide.
This dictionary can help you to discover words and concepts in Kasem. For example, it lists over 250 animal names, about 180 names for plants, and even some words that are in danger to disappear in our modern world.
This dictionary can help you to discover the Kasena culture. Somebody has said the following:
"A dictionary represents the life of a people group put in alphabetical order."
This dictionary can help Kasena individuals to learn some French or English. This dictionary allows you to discover the kassem language. By clicking on the button "search" (the little magnifying glass in the top right), a window opens and you can type words into Kassem, French or English. Type "search" and a new window will display the results.
The kasɩm language (= Kasem kassem or kassim) is a "voltaic" language that has been classified in group A (West) of the gourounsi subfamily, the two other languages of the group being the "Nuni" (Leo) and the "Lyélé" (Reo).
Although there is mutual understanding among Kassena, there is however a whole gradation of dialects.
Basically, we can distinguish between three dialects:
The Eastern dialect, which is located in the cities of Kampala and Tiébélé Burkina and Navrongo, Paga and Chiana in Ghana.
Western dialect which is located in populations of Po, of Ponkouyan and Songo.
The dialect of Greater Guiaro (west of Tiakane).
This dictionary contains over 5000 words and expressions kassem translated into French and often lit with illustrative sentences. In general, we used the talk Tiébélé like talking about the reference kassem. There are cases where we added dialects, but we have not been able to consider all variants. Obviously, the kassem still a lot of words that are not included in this document.
This dictionary can be useful for several purposes:
It can help Kassena to write their mother tongue.
It will serve teachers and literacy as a reference lexicon.
It can help you discover kassem words: eg 250 names of animals and 180 plant names, and even words that are likely to disappear.
It can help you discover the culture of Kassena.
"A dictionary is the life of a people put in alphabetical order. "
Introduction (English)
To search an item, just click on the small search icon on the top right and a search window will APPEAR. Type the word (in Kasem, French or English) you are looking for into the search field and click "search". A new window with the search results will open and you can find your dictionary entry.
The present dictionary contains more than 5,000 entries qui-have we Partly translated into English. As a general rule, we-have written the standard dialect of Tiébélé. Sometimes, HOWEVER, we-have Added Some variants dialect Where It relevant WAS. Of course this dictionary contains only a fraction of the Existing Kasem vocabulary.
This dictionary's scope is to:
Help the Kasem speakers to write Correctly Their language.
This dictionary can help the literacy teachers-have to a standard of reference or spelling guide.
This dictionary can help you to discover words and concepts in Kasem. For example, it lists over 250 pet names, about 180 names for plants, and Even Some Words That are in risk to disappear in our modern world.
This dictionary can help you to discover the Kasena culture. Somebody HAS Said The Following:
"A dictionary Represents the life of a people group could in alphabetical order."
This dictionary can help Kasena Individuals to learn some French or English.