About Shop2Care
The Shop2Care app enables you to generate donations for causes you care about at no extra cost to you.
Simply shop directly from hundreds of your favorite on-line retailers and when you make a purchase, a donation (avg. 5%) will be made to the cause(s) you selected.
We guarantee that registering is free, easy and takes less than 30 seconds.
After you register, you get the opportunity to choose the category, including: Hunger, Education, Health, Children, and Human Services.
Login, click on the SHOP tab, and begin shopping on the same participating retailers websites you always visit, buying stuff you already need or buy.
Retailers forward Shop2Care a rebate on your purchase amount (average 5%).
We guarantee no extra cost to you.
We call it "Shopping With A Heart"
Shop2Care passes 100% of the rebate money, to causes you care about.
Our team of professional philanthropists ensures donations find their way to the most effective not-for-profit organizations helping the cause/s you selected.
Download and get the opportunity to Shop With A Heart!
Just one extra click will help those in need.
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