About MobSBlast
- Developed by collaborative research and development between Dr. Varun Khanna, Institute of Life Sciences(ILS), Ahmedabad University and Dr. Aditya Patel, School of Computer Studies (SCS), Ahmedabad University.
- This app can be used by life science researchers for finding similarity between molecules.
- It provides unified functionality of both Global Sequence Alignment and BLAST algorithms used by researchers working for new drug discovery. It includes the following features :-
- In Global Sequence Alignment, it gives the alignment score from the inputted two query sequences and parameters.
- In BLAST, it gives required number of hit results similar to the inputted query. It fetches the result from the NCBI server. Its result can also be retrieved as an image.
- This app allows us to save the queries (fasta format) in phone memory and it can also be retrieved later.
- It also saves the result as a .txt file in the phone memory.
- Internet is required in BLAST module of the app while no internet connection is required in Global Sequence
Alignment module.
- This app has proven to be most efficient and faster than the existing similar apps in the market.