About Novels and short stories.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (17 (29) January 1860, Taganrog, Ekaterinoslav Province (now the Rostov Region), Russian Empire - 2 (15) July 1904, Badenweiler, German Empire [2]) - an outstanding Russian writer and playwright, a doctor by profession. Honorary Academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences of the category of belles lettres (1900-1902). Is a recognized classic of world literature. His plays, especially "The Cherry Orchard", over a hundred years, put in many theaters around the world. One of the world's most famous playwrights. Over 26 years of Chekhov has created about 900 different products (short humorous stories, serious stories, plays), many of which have become classics of world literature. Particular attention is drawn the "Steppe", "A Boring Story," "Duel," "House number 6," "An Anonymous Story," "Guys" (1897), "Man in a Shell" (1898), "In the Ravine" "The kids", "Drama on the hunt", of the plays: "Ivanov", "Seagull", "Uncle Vanya," "Three Sisters," "The Cherry Orchard."