PlayIt Forward

PlayIt Forward Free App

Rated 0.00/5 (0) —  Free Android application by PlayIt Forward

About PlayIt Forward

PlayIt Forward is a non-profit movement/community that creates and sustains a system for instantly and seamlessly turning playing games or making healthful choices into charitable donations.

The PlayIt Forward app is designed to make it easy for you to turn simple daily acts, games, lifestyle goals, or achievements into charitable pledges made by you or your friends/sponsors to your favorite cause. Each time you complete one of your nominated activities (like playing a game, taking the stairs, meditating, going a day without smoking, etc.), you log it in and the app will keep track of your achievements, provide feedback on how much money you’ve pledged and prompt you when to make a donation or share with your friends. Everybody wins!

The app includes a link to your charity's donation website, so when you've achieved your goal, you can make the donation securely on their site. Then you can record the goal as paid in the PlayIt Forward app and share your achievement with your friends.

How to Download / Install

Download and install PlayIt Forward version 1.0.5 on your Android device!
Downloaded 10+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package:, download PlayIt Forward.apk

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App History & Updates

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*Updates & bugfixes
Version update PlayIt Forward was updated to version 1.0.5
More downloads  PlayIt Forward reached 10 - 50 downloads

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