About Spectrum
A fiesta exclusively for the freshers to flaunt their technical prowess, “Spectrum” is, and ever was, among ISTE’s most awaited extravaganzas. Its design being one governed by substance coupled with style, “Spectrum” lives its name by putting on show an array of exquisite events spanning over diverse realms, rich in variety and oozing vibrancy. Simply put, ‘Spectrum’ offers a platform for the ‘tech savvy’ first year undergraduates to perform and a conduit to drive their glory to the masses. “Spectrum” exhibits an ensemble of competitions, diving into the nuances of every engineering discipline, practically including every single first year student in its target audience. Imagination and creativity coupled with astuteness and acerbity in decision making constitute the missiles in every manager’s arsenal. That “Spectrum” appreciates and acknowledges the entrepreneurial streak and managerial acumen in students, by providing an opportunity to innovate and improvise, is demonstrated to conviction, courtesy the meticulously designed management events to supplement the technical ones. Spectrum’s multi dimensioned, multi-disciplined approach and outlook remains its biggest virtue. The overwhelming response the event has received over the years, and continues to receive, speaks volumes about the quality of “Spectrum”, a visual marvel in every right; a proud feather in ISTE NITC’s cap.
by Q####: