Portfolio simulation Free for Android
This financial application enables you to easily simulate how your financial portfolio will grow.
This application is provided with main french ruled saving products (LEP, PEL, CEL, Livret A, LDD).
With this application, you can answer the question, which of both following investments is the best ?
One investment with a 2,5% interest rate without charges or tax. Or an investment with a 4,5% interest rate with 4% admission fee, 0,6 % annual management charges and 11% annual taxes.
However, one option enables you to define new saving products according to your needs and to use themon inestion, wih your portfolio.
You can create several accounts (financial products) per portfolio.
For instance: You can create one portfolio named simulation #1. This portfolio can hold one account on product LDD, one account on product CEL... You can set the initial amount for each account, the start date, and how much you intend to save periodically.
The simulation option enables you to compute the global growth of your portfolio and the indiviual growth of each account.
One graph shows how your portfolio grows even more clearly.
The computation takes into account differents fees and taxes according to how they have been parametrized in the definition of the product.