現代因果實錄(二)L082 中華印經協會.台灣生命電視台

現代因果實錄(二)L082 中華印經協會.台灣生命電視台 Free App

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About 現代因果實錄(二)L082 中華印經協會.台灣生命電視台



  令人可喜的是,有不少讀者在閱讀《現代因果實錄》明白了道理的同時,對照自己所造之業,決心改正,結果在內心生起懺悔心的同時,身上的病苦竟突然好了,或減輕了許多。還有一些未斷葷腥的讀者,閱讀此書後始知吃葷腥罪業深重,即刻斷除,未曾想幾個月後不僅身體日復一日健康,皮膚也變得白皙了,人顯得年輕了許多。更有人在事業上開始興旺起來。體形較胖的人,變得健美,而瘦弱的人在吃全素後反倒增加了體重,日復強壯,還有許多孕婦徹底斷除葷腥,學念地藏經,生下的孩子既健康又聰明,相貌莊嚴且安樂易養。總之,戒除葷腥好處多多,每個人因緣不同,獲益也不同。時常傳來的這些令人法喜充滿的消息,讓我深深地感到,我們眾生猶如久旱待雨的漫山百千種植物,佛法則是甘露,一雨普覆,大樹小草各得所需。所以,深入經藏,增長智慧,聞即信受,才能離苦得樂。這也是我寫此書本來的目的:向內求才能獲益,即「一切唯心造」道理的實踐。 Foreword

I never thought of "Modern causal Record" after publication immediately welcomed by fellow practitioners around, have reproduced, reprinted in many places. Although I was in "the origin" of the final note of "Given the inconvenience, I omitted the character's real name in the book in question and place", but there are still a lot of people do not understand the contents of the rush to look for Lotus Mountain old monk, The results not only labor but also a waste of money, it's not my intention. Then there are a lot of people call the agency sent a letter to Kaifeng Buddhist monk asks the old Lotus residence, Buddhist community at the time had to reprint the book plus a "thing is real thing, the name is a pseudonym false causal cautionary who seek division without a trace." notices, but still went to look for the Mountain and Tianjin. Despite these readers believe Buddhism, but it is blindly seeking out is really wonderful way to see the old monk may not be able to benefit.

Gratifying is that many readers reading "Modern causal Record" to understand the truth at the same time, the control of the industry had made its own determination to correct the results arises in the heart of repentance, while the body of the sudden agony Well, or alleviate a lot. There are not broken Hunxing readers, after reading this book Hunxing Unrestraint eat grave sin, immediately try to get rid, not only did not want a few months later, day after day healthy body, the skin becomes white, and people look much younger . Some even began to thrive in their careers. Body fat than people become fit, and emaciated people in the vegan actually gained weight, day after strong, there are many pregnant women try to get rid completely Hunxing, learn to read Buddhist scriptures, children born healthy and smart, looks solemn and well-being easy to support. In short, get rid Hunxing benefits, everyone different cause, benefiting also different. It is filled with the happiness of these messages often came, I deeply feel that we all beings be like drought rain Manshan Baiqian species, Dharma is nectar, a rain cover Pu, grass trees each had required. Therefore, in-depth by the possession, grow in wisdom, the letter by the smell that can Shanyin. This is the book I wrote the original purpose: inward seeking to benefit from that, "all idealism made" practical reason.

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