About ROS Bag
The record application of the Bag package from ROS Comm compiled for Android.
The rationale for this is the need to capture high volumes of data that you otherwise unable to capture due to huge bandwidth. For example, the raw video stream. It can not be transmitted over most wireless networks, but sometimes it's essential to capture the stream for quality demanding applications.
This application is basically a wrapper around the native record app from the http://wiki.ros.org/rosbag package. It was compiled for ARM using the https://github.com/ekumenlabs/roscpp_android repository. The binary is distributed in precompiled form, but you can compile it manually using the mentioned repository. So you use native high performance and well tested components from ROS wrapped with this tiny app.
This is open source software and you can download the source code here https://github.com/lamerman/ros_android_bag