真光电台 (新版本) for Android
"True Light Radio" in November 2006 constructed by the Methodist Church in Malaysia Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference of Information and Communication Ministry.Name "True Light Radio" is taken from the Gospel of John chapter 1 verse 9: "The true light that gives light to every man coming into the world." As Jesus in heaven upload reason, enlightened world of the mind, to create day on the main reclamation have a better understanding; this station program to guide people know the gift of God the Father and His redeeming grace for the purpose. John chapter 18 says: "No one has ever seen God, and only in the Father's side made him known."
This station combined with a number of partners spread, such as: sound salvation Taiwan, Taipei Far East Evangelical, Taiwan good news radio, audio Taiwan IC's, Singapore Far East Evangelical, concentric committed Chinese Gospel Broadcasting missionary work.