This app is developed by Hong Kong Doctors Union (HKDU) to help her members (medical practitioners) stay up-to-date with the latest developments in medicine. It also help them fulfil the recommended CME requirements (non-specialists) laid down by the Medical Council of Hong Kong. It is believed that the mobile platform will be playing an important role in Continuing Medical Education for medical and health professionals.
* Features
Through the app, all members have access to the CME activities maintained by Hong Kong Doctors Union.
These include a monthly ECG quiz, Dermatology quiz, Radiology quiz, Self study Quiz and Audio lecture quiz. CME activities online will be accredited by the Hong Kong Doctors Union, one of the CME administators in Hong Kong. There is also an archive of all past CME quizzes dating back to the year 2000 for revision purpose..
In addition, members can have access to
1. CME calendar for a list of upcoming CME events, and to enrol with the event if he is interested. 2. CME weblink database where hundreds of useful online resources on Internet are indexed according to medical specialty and nature of the website.
3. CME symposium have an archive of recordings of CME lectures delivered in HKDU CME symposium in past 10 years.
4. CME point tracker allow members to check their CME points in our record.
* synchronized PC/mobile access
All CME activities completed on mobile platform are synchronized with our CME website. Members can complete part of the quizzes on mobile platform, and the rest through the website, or vice versa.
* Facilitate communications between HKDU and members
The app allow more effective communications between HKDU and members. Online polling, alert messages from HKDU, Council and Committee news, Event photo albums, Positions vacant advertisements are incorporated into the app. Users can also complete and return circulars that comes with each issue of HKDU bulletin.