About Memory
欢迎: 以每日变化的寄语带给你好心情;
新建: 新建记事,编辑完成后设置“放飞”,保存即可,过程中可查看字数及清空;
查看: 可查看历史所以的标题和内容;
修改: 选择记事,可进行修改。可以加锁来控制日记是否可编辑;
删除: 长按记事可将其删除,并且可看到记事剩余时间和次数;
刷新: 可刷新即时数据;
模式: 切换列表模式和网格模式,方便查看;
排序: 记事按添加时间排序,方便查看记事;
搜索: 按记事的标题、内容和添加时间进行搜索;
菜单: 共有皮肤、密码、感悟、帮助、关于和退出六个选项;
皮肤: 切换界面颜色,既有预设选项,也可以自定义颜色;
密码: 为记事上锁,防止隐私泄露,可修改和取消密码;
感悟: 可以说说对欢迎页寄语的一些感受和理解;
帮助: 查看使用说明;
关于: 查看作者信息和联系方式;
退出: 退出应用; The application consists of four interfaces, namely the welcome screen, the main interface, the new interface and viewing interface.
Which includes the following functional blocks
Welcome: to change the daily message to bring Hello mood;
New: Create notes, after editing settings "flying", save it, the process can be viewed and empty words;
View: You can view the history so the title and content;
Review: select Notepad, can be modified. Can be locked to control the diary can be edited;
Delete: Press notes can be deleted, and you can see the remaining time and the number of notes;
Refresh: to refresh the real-time data;
Mode: Switch list mode and grid mode for easy viewing;
Sort: by adding time to sort notes, memos for easy viewing;
Search: Tap the note's title, content and add time to search;
Menu: A total skin, password, insights, help, about and exit six options;
Skin: Switch interface color, both the default options, you can also customize the color;
Password: memos locked to prevent loss of privacy, you can modify and remove a password;
Sentiment: Words can talk to the welcome page of some of the feelings and understanding;
Help: See instructions for use;
About: View author and contact information;
Exit: Quit the application;