About Systeminfo
Displays system information, equipped with function, sensor information, java.properties, the playback and record-enabled audio format.
You can easily confirm the function that a terminal is equipped with.
Displays CPU/Memory/Screen Resolution on Screen upside
* Displayed items vary depending on the device
* Value is not necessarily accurate
CPU type, instruction set, the device name, manufacturer name, OS version, etc.
Bluetooth, camera, touch screen, multi-touch, microphone, TV, USB, Wi-Fi, etc.
accerolametor, gravity, gyroscope, magnetic field, orientation , pressure, proximity, rotation vector, temperature, etc.
Available playback and recording format
minimum buffer size required for playback and recording time
The sensor functions and is installed with a check mark to the left.
Sensor mounted get more information by click.
Audio page, you can see the combination of the following playback and recordable format.
Frequency: 8000Hz/11025Hz/16000Hz/22050Hz/44100Hz/48000Hz
number of bits: 8bit/16bit
number of channels: mono / stereo
Shows necessary Minimum Buffer Size under available playback or a recording format.