About 福音i广播
i :可以是第一人称的英文字母,可以是一个信号接收器,更可以是爱的发声。
当以上三种介质相遇,正是这个时代改变世界的新兴力量。你听过耶稣基督的福音吗?两千年前的口口相传,两千年后的Wi-Fi链接,亘古的信仰薪火,X时代的复兴火焰,其实飞越千年你听到的都只是同一个得救的消息,只是在这个信息爆炸的年代,我们帮你在信息量很大的今天快速的search到他,想听8090的天主教徒怎么传福音吗,嗨,就是你,打开Wi-Fi,带上耳机,等着瞧咯~ Gospel: it is good news for the people of salvation.
i: be the first person in the English alphabet, could be a signal receiver, but also love the sound.
Broadcasting: Radio childhood home, now the car FM channels, the future mobile phone inside App
When these three media encounter, times have changed and it is this emerging world power. You heard the gospel of Jesus Christ do? Word of mouth two thousand years ago, two thousand years after the Wi-Fi link, everlasting faith Eternal Flame, Flame X renaissance era, in fact flew over thousands of years you hear are just the same message of salvation, but in this information explosion age, we can help you in a great amount of information quickly search today to him, to hear how the gospel 8090 Catholics do, hey, is that you, turn Wi-Fi, put on headphones, wait and see slightly ~
by Y####: