About SmartBirds Pro
SmartBirds Pro е електронен полеви дневник за бързо и лесно записване на наблюдения на видовете птици, земноводни, влечуги и бозайници в България. Удобно е за използване както за единични наблюдения, така и за провеждането на мониторинг.
Приложението съдържа 4 базови форми с включени най-необходимите полета за събиране на полеви данни. Чрез използването на вградения в мобилното устройство GPS, приложението Ви позиционира на Гугъл карти (нормална, сателитна и хибридна) или Open Street Map (OSM), позволяващи използване онлайн и офлайн. Платформата позволява фотографиране на наблюденията и директно добавяне на номера на изображението в полевия дневник. Събраната информация може лесно да бъде споделяна с приятели чрез електронна поща или изпращана към базата данни на Българско дружество за защита на птиците и използвана за природозащитни цели.
Приложението е създадено от Българско дружество за защита на птиците (БДЗП), по проект „Модерната природозащита: съвременни комуникации в подкрепа на науката на гражданите“, финансиран по програма „Мтел еко грант”. Целта на приложението е да улесни хората които се занимават професионално със събиране на биологична информация, както и природолюбителите, при техните срещи с дивата природа.
За допълнителна информация, посетете сайта на БДЗП: www.bspb.org.
Идеен проект:
Георги Попгеоргиев
Светослав Спасов
Юрий Корнилев
Дизайн и програмиране:
Масконсулт ООД http://www.masconsult.eu
SmartBirds Pro is an electronic field diary for quick and easy recording of observations of bird species, amphibians, reptiles and mammals in Bulgaria. It is convenient to use for single observations, as well as to conduct monitoring.
The application contains four basic forms that include the most appropriate fields for the collection of field data. By using the built-in GPS on your device, the application positions you on Google maps (normal, satellite and hybrid) or Open Street Map (OSM), allowing for online and offline use. The platform allows photographing observations and directly adding the image number in the field diary. The collected information can be easily shared with friends via email or sent to the database of the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds and used for conservation purposes.
The application was created by the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB), the project "Modern Nature Conservation: modern communications in support of citizen science", financed under the "Mtel eco grant." The aim of the application is to facilitate people who are professionally involved with the collection of biological information, as well as nature lovers, in their encounters with wildlife.
For additional information, visit the website of BSPB: www.bspb.org.
Georgi Popgeorgiev
Svetoslav Spasov
Yurii Kornilev
Design and programming:
Maskonsult Ltd. http://www.masconsult.eu SmartBirds Pro is an electronic field diary for quick and easy recording observations of bird species, amphibians, reptiles and mammals in Bulgaria. It is convenient to use as a single observation, and to conduct monitoring.
The Annex contains four basic forms included the most necessary fields to collect field data. By using the built-in mobile device GPS, your application position in Google maps (normal, satellite and hybrid) or Open Street Map (OSM), allowing to use online and offline. The platform allows photographing observations and directly adding the image number in the field diary. The collected information can be easily shared with friends via email or sent to the database of the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds and used for conservation purposes.
The application was created by the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB), the project "Modern Nature Conservation: modern communications in support of science for citizens", financed under the "Mtel eco grant." The aim of the application is to facilitate people who are professionally involved with the collection of biological information, as well as nature lovers, in their meetings with wildlife.
For additional information, visit the BSPB: www.bspb.org.
Conceptual design:
George Popgeorgiev
Svetoslav Spasov
Yuri Kornilev
Design and programming:
Maskonsult Ltd. http://www.masconsult.eu
SmartBirds Pro is an electronic field diary for quick and easy recording of observations of bird species, amphibians, reptiles and mammals in Bulgaria. It is convenient to use for single observations, as well as to conduct monitoring.
The application contains four basic forms that include the most appropriate fields for the collection of field data. By using the built-in GPS on your device, the application positions you on Google maps (normal, satellite and hybrid) or Open Street Map (OSM), allowing for online and offline use. The platform allows photographing observations and directly adding the image number in the field diary. The collected information can be easily shared with friends via email or sent to the database of the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds and used for conservation purposes.
The application was created by the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB), the project "Modern Nature Conservation: modern communications in support of citizen science", financed under the "Mtel eco grant." The aim of the application is to facilitate people who are professionally involved with the collection of biological information, as well as nature lovers, in their encounters with wildlife.
For additional information, visit the website of BSPB: www.bspb.org.
Georgi Popgeorgiev
Svetoslav Spasov
Yurii Kornilev
Design and programming:
Maskonsult Ltd. http://www.masconsult.eu
by K####:
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