Dict Book for Android
+ Longdo dictionary
+ Free dictionary
+ Wiktionary
FREE Super Top High performance Dictionary
Thai<>to<>English , English<>to<>Thai , English<>to<>English Thai<>DICT dictionary
Dictionary for Android device both offline and online using.
More than 500,000 word in DICT BOOK Dictionary.
For advanced English learners
Fast and easy, Only click vocabulary, quick to define the meaning.
Click word or sentence , quick to pronounce.
Various sentence example with pronunciation
Reference with Irregular Verbs and Irregular Nouns
All you can learn and study for TOEIC TOEFL CU-TEP TU-GET
and English Test like your own thesaurus
DICT BOOK also proper for users as following: Arabic, Armenian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, French, German, Hindi, Laos, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, or Vietnamese
This DICT BOOK is created by adaptation of WordNet & LEXiTRON developed by NECTEC Thailand
*For some device, installing Thai keyboard is required for searching Thai words in Dictionary
+ Longdo dictionary.
+ Free dictionary.
+ Wiktionary.
FREE Super Top High performance Dictionary.
Thai <> to <> English, English <> to <> Thai, English <> to <> English Thai <> DICT dictionary.
Dictionary for Android device both offline and online using.
More than 500,000 word in DICT BOOK Dictionary.
For advanced English learners.
Fast and easy, Only click vocabulary, quick to define the meaning.
Click word or sentence, quick to pronounce.
Various sentence example with pronunciation.
Reference with Irregular Verbs and Irregular Nouns.
All you can learn and study for TOEIC TOEFL CU-TEP TU-GET.
and English Test like your own thesaurus.
DICT BOOK also proper for users as following: Arabic, Armenian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, French, German, Hindi, Laos, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish. , Ukrainian, or Vietnamese.
This DICT BOOK is created by adaptation of WordNet & LEXiTRON developed by NECTEC Thailand.
* For some device, installing Thai keyboard is required for searching Thai words in Dictionary.
It's good and ok
I would have liked to give five stars to this handy app, but it stopped working many times. The problem may please be fixed, and I will give five stars.
good but takes long time to download
So easy to use
I would have liked to give five stars to this handy app, but it stopped working many times. The problem may please be fixed, and I will give five stars.
So easy to use
ใช้ง่าย ช่วยให้รู้ศัพท์เยอะ แนะนำครับ
by N####:
good but takes long time to download