Physics in Stuff for Android
Online dependency is a big put off! Would prefer if the app is bundled with content
Super Great app let the world know how physics can me made easy to understand Can't wait to see more better apps
This app is the biggest slap on that men who thinks mobile can't teach.. love it
This app made me fall in love with physics.
Awesome app, just one thing, please make it offline friendly, on option to download article for offline reading
Awesome ! But,Too much ads !
Superb app with great explanation of topics..but the number of topics are less
Wonderful app. Interesting topics. Wish downloading the articles was an option.
Everything is good, but the user interface design should improve and more clear, easy.
Amazing app created by Nirmal Swaminathan.Just wonderful,you can gain loads of knowledge
Wonderful App Wish I could give 6 stars
App not working
Write more frequently
Love this app, especially pdf concept
Value of time ,very nice app
Easy, concise. Best.
Great app.
He physics subject is awesome and knowing the physics around us is still more awesome.. I thank Mr.Nirmal Swaminathan for giving us this immense knowledge..
Awesome work by Nirmal. Great stuff. Love the way everything is simply explained in a single page in simple language. Keep doing it. All the best
Fantastic! More detail please!
awesome app to describe physics in right manners...
Excellent work.... Very informative app
I prefer offline
Best app on this planet
Make it fully offline for 5 stars. I know that it's connected to online servers but I am saying that you can make it offline just by adding everything in the app.
Awesome!!!!! Wonderful explanation. BUT not enough stuff.... Add more and will rate 5star...
Please add more topics on a daily basis
Amazing!!!!!! Very cool stuff with detailed explanation......... Please introduce more stuff like this.
Bakwas aap
More articles for 5 stars
bakh BC....
Good app po
Easy to understand
Grt work bro!! Keep it up!!
I never knew physics could be so much fun before!this app is one of its kind! Kudos nirmal!
by H####:
I don't quite understand the high rating. The app could be so much better since the concept itself is great, but the explanations lack depth and clarity. I think there should be equations and more pictures to illustrate the problematics on a deeper level than common knowledge.