Los relatos de El Rey de Amarillo han sido muy importantes en el desarrollo de la literatura fantástica norteamericana. Todos los principales escritores del periodo de surgimiento del pulp parecen haberlo conocido. Su influencia se extiende casi mundialmente, aún cuando durante muchos años el libro estuviera agotado. De él se extraen nuevos temas, se imitan y reciclan relatos, y —lo más importante de todo— los nuevos conceptos de horror metafísico son retomados por una hueste de escritores cansados de los fantasmas y fenómenos ocultistas, y desconformes con el misticismo o la investigación psicológica. En verdad, se puede señalar a El Rey de Amarillo como uno de los más importantes libros de ficción sobrenatural norteamericana entre Poe y los modernos.
The king of yellow, along with the Necronomicon, H. P. Lovecraft of, is one of the happiest literary devices of fantasy literature. Book within a book, and out of the story causing distancing effect which enhances its horror. It is remarkable the influence that produced Ambrose Bierce, especially "An inhabitant of Carcosa". His own is felt within the circle of authors of "The Myths of Cthulhu".The stories of King of Amarillo have been very important in the development of American fantastic literature. All major writers of the period of rise of pulp appear to have known him. Its influence extends almost worldwide, although for many years the book was exhausted. It new issues are removed, imitate and recycle stories, and, most important of all the new concepts of metaphysical horror are taken up by a host of writers tired of ghosts and occult phenomena, and unhappy with mysticism or research psychological. Indeed, one can point to the King of Amarillo as one of the most important books of American supernatural fiction between Poe and modern.