About 半七捕物帳 石灯籠
岡本綺堂・作、「半七捕物帳 石灯籠」をアプリ化。
明治時代の新聞記者「わたし」は、かつて江戸の岡っ引として活躍した半七老人から、数々の難事件・珍事件の話を聞くことになる…。 Okamoto kidou-work, application of the "semi-seven Torimonocho stone lantern".
Second series of detective and semi-seven Okamoto kidou has produced as a detective story of pure Japanese style.
Newspaper reporter in the Meiji era "I" will be from seven semi-old man who played as Okappiki of Edo once, to hear the story of Nanjiken Chin incidents ... many.
by X####:
Free even best