About あのときの王子くん
サン=テグジュペリが1943年に発表したフランス文学に燦然と輝く珠玉の中篇・ "Le Petit Prince"をアプリ化。
周囲になじめず成長し、操縦士になった〈ぼく〉。そんな〈ぼく〉は六年前、サハラ砂漠に落っこちる。極限の状況の中、出会ったひとりの少年は、〈ぼく〉に大切なことを教えてくれた……。 into app · "Le Petit Prince" gem shining brilliantly in the second part of the Saint Exupéry French literature was published in 1943.
Solved, such as the importance of solidarity and love, imagination and heart of humans, this work is well known in "The Little Prince" Dai, has a charm that is not limited to just children literature.
- Synopsis -
Grown without adapt to the surroundings, became pilots . Six years ago, such a is fallen in the Sahara Desert. In the extreme conditions, one boy I met was important to tell you that .......