mandiri mobile for Android
Here is how to get started. First, you can download mandiri mobile application available at Google Play. Furthermore, the customer registered as a mandiri sms user can tap ‘activate’ button to continue the application to be able to do financial transaction. The application will require you to:
• Accept the term & condition and create your own password to access mandiri mobile.
• After the activation process is successful, you will be directed to main menu and enjoy all mandiri mobile features.
• Password is needed to access mandiri mobile and pin mandiri sms is needed to authorize financial transactions.
To register as a mandiri sms user, you simply go to atm or bank mandiri branch and register your cellular phone number.
For further assistance, please contact mandiri call at 14000
The worst mobile banking on my life.. among the all banks i used wither in Indonesia or other countries. Suddenly the bank's online system down, facing error of 'otentifikasi' & the worst when u ask the customer service will reply u simply the problem is with ur Internet connection! They don't want to admit they do have problem.. which is not 1st time happen.
Ga bisa aktivasi, loading ga jelas, siapa ini yg bikin, buang aja, perbankan yg katanya berkelas kok app kyk gni, ganti dev. yg skill dewa, ingat sistem pelayanan konsumen adalah nomer 1. Tolong di ganti semuanya yg lebih futuristic dan safe tentunya, mengenai security.
I got 118 error notices repeatedly these past few days while trying to transfer money and forced close. It said I must check my Internet connection to continue the process but my connection was fine and there was no problem with another app. But when I checked my inbox, the money transferred already. Please fix this issue as soon as possible. My money almost transferred twice.
Mandiri masih belum update aplikasinya. Sampai saat ini saya masih tidak bisa menggunakan di hp samsung grand duos. Menurut CS 14000, aplikasinya belum compatible ke OS hp nya. Sigh... need this app. Update 26Maret2016: finally available for android. Thankyou
After not logging in for a while this app stopped working so i reinstalled it again and... got more worse problem "Mohon izin mandiri mobile untuk mengakses telepon untuk otentikasi, silakan restart mandiri mobile" and closed. What should i do?
Coba aja kalo abis tekan tombol login trus masuk halaman input password, pop up keyboard-nya langsung muncul tanpa harus disentuh kolom passwordnya... Cuma saran. Good apps..!!
Error 118….. You need strong Network, use WiFi, your mobile data even with LTE doesn't help during 1st attempt... But after setup/authentication done... This is the best Apps... Save you time... Thanks IT Team.....
It used to be a good app.mempermudah transaksi. Tp udah beberapa bulan ini g bisa d pake sama sekali, stuck d proses aktivasi. Sms udah delivered tp g masuk2 sampe timeout. G ad masalah sama device or koneksi semua ttp g bs d pake ni aplikasi
Once I installed this app was working quite well.. Then lately I can't even check my own balance in my account. And it says 'error 203' I don't think the problem is in my internet connection. Can anyone from Mandiri explain or even fix this? Need your feedback. Tx.
I didnt do anything on my apps, and suddenly I have to activate my mobile apps (even I didnt clear data on set) and it's always ended by failure. The worst is my credit was taken and I got nothing. Please enhance!
Apps always force closed if I go to transfer menu after the indicator turn green. This is happen after I've updated to the latest version. Please fix this, the apps was great before.
Functionality is good, never had major issue with transactions over the year. One major complaint might be to remove the slow unecessary animations when scrolling from menu to menu. It is a waste of time and meaningless, doesn't help us with banking matter. Also fix the home menu functionality, as the icons move too fast when scrolling through the list. The app seems to put too much effort at looking good but it doesn't translate well.
Skr sy ga prnh khawatir lupa n ribet bawa token lg. Tadinya sy 4thn pakai ibanking, cm belakangan sering error klo akses via HP. Setelah pindah ke mbanking, SANGAT MEMUDAHKAN SEKALI, Dari mulai instalasi n otontefikasi ndak pernah menemui kendala, sy pake dual sim, yg didaftarin jg sy pake di slot kedua. Setelah Gonta ganti ROM jg alhamdulillah selalu lancar jaya. Klo bisa, masukan untuk mutasi rekening bisa terlihat data pengirimnya spt halnya lihat via ibanking. Thank U Bank MANDIRI :)
The user interface is way too outdated. This just looks like the style of ios4 which was released 6yr ago. Please fix this, make it more attracting or even informative.
I am still confused. I want to perform transactions such as transfers, but could not. said that "the transaction is rejected, you have not registered independent financial services sms, please register at the nearest branch". I do not understand how such purposes. I currently use a self-contained mobile sms banking because I can not wear mandiri mobile. please help explanation. Thank you.
App from time to time will shutdown automatically because of error. For example when trying to access anything frim favorites then suddenly the app magically will stopped. Fix this, thanks.
So far it's worked well, but ever since i changed my phone it's always error... can't use it anymore and that's so annoying
I used an android phone hmm I think the OS is around 4.0 or something. The 2nd device is Galaxy Tab S2 and I just couldn't enter the application. It keeps saying "optimizing" or something. For the alternative that the company has suggested (*141 *6#), the processing charge is up to Rp1000 from my phone credit. Soooo annoying :(
yg lain pada bilang gaperlu verfikasi lagi, lah punya saya malah stuck di otentikasi. Pas dicek di sms, sms ke 3355 gk terkirim, jadi gabisa otentikasi. Padahal sblmnya aman aja. Satu lagi, devnya memperhatikan keluhan di playstore apa engga? gk ada satupun komen rating yg di reply
When you open this app, it shows you home menu contains log in, currency, nearby ATM, etc. When I navigate through it, it gives me headache for being oversensitive, simple slide and it does slide too much in which I have to drag slowly for my desired menu to appear. And plz fix error notification when user idle, the app says it stopped working but it actually autoclose for certain period of time. Also pls improve the icon and GUI, the design gives me a 90's feelings. Best regards
Sebelum diupdate berjalan normal, setelah update lampu indikator tidak menyala sama sekali padahal jaringan dan sinyal bagus. Coba diuninstall dan direinstall lagi selalu stuck diotentikasi dan tidak bisa melanjutkan apapun. Lalu ini bagaimana???? Tolonglah saya
UInya tolong dirombak lagi, biar mengikuti material design milik Google, lalu tingkatkan stabilitas aplikasi ini, karena terkadang suka crash lalu berikan opsi untuk mengirim sms lewat sim 2, terimakasih
semenjak install di hp baru hanya bisa cek saldo. saat transaksi selalu muncul "transaksi di tolak. layanan tidak tersedia" padahal di hp lama baik2 aja. tolong diperbaikin, very need this app krn sebelumnya sangat membantu. thanks
Sepertinya eror lagi yg menggunakan 2 no rekening di aplikasi ini. Memilih rekening untuk bertransaksi selalu gagal. Dulu sudah pernah begini dan ada update perbaikan. Di versi baru nongol lagi bug ini. Menyesal saya update versi baru. MOHON DIPERBAIKI.
Saya gabisa login ke app ini,sy udah coba uninstall trus diinstall ulang tetep sama saja hasilnya,stuck di ontetikasi,agak kecewa sama aplikasi ini,padahal sebelumnya baik baik aja,tapi kenapa sekarang jd begini. Mohon untuk diperbaiki lagi.
The app works well, but still has many bugs and errors. I hope Mandiri will update the app to fix and adds more functionality
Seblm minta diupgrade lancar2 saja. Sehrsnya setelah diupgrade gak perlu otentikasi lagi spt aplikasi2 lainnya. Sampai sekarang gak bisa pakai aplikasi aneh ini lagi...aktivasi dan otentikasi berkepanjangan...lalu error 103... Nanya ke CS Mandiri...ktnya teknologi smartphone Xperia Z3+ saya ketinggian, gak mampu aplikasi Mandiri Mobile dioperasikan utk jenis smartphone ini...benar2 aneh...Capek deh..!!! :-(
Saya tidak bisa transaksi karena aplikasi hanya bisa login dan begitu masuk menu, aplikasinya crash. Please fix it and I'll rate better
Aplikasi error 109 setelah update Android M. Tolong bantuanya utk menyelesaikan masalah ini. Sangat mengganggu krn aplikasi tidak bs dipakai. Terimakasih
Transfer 1 dibilang "maaf periksa jaringan bla bla.. " trus ulang lagi transaksi yg sama.. eh, bbrapa menit kemudian ada sms masuk ternyata double transaksi.. soo failed!
saya baru pakai ini, ketika aktivasi gabisa-bisa, selalu "time out" & "103-ulangi bberapa saati lagi", udh d cba begitu terus hasilnya. akhirnya nanya langsung k cs banknya, d sruh uninstall trs install lagi, dan saya lakukan itu tp hasilnya pun sama nihil hahaha.... padahal jaringin 3G dan prnah pakai wifi juga sama aja begitu terus... jadi solusinya apa ? Terimakasih.
Pengguna handphone dual sim card (cdma-gsm) tidak bisa melakukan authentification. Saat melakukan aktivasi, aplikasi hanya mencoba untuk mengaktivasi kartu sim pertama saja, padahal nomer yg sudah terdaftar e-banking adalah gsm, yang mana berada di slot kedua. Berhubung ini hp smartfren jadi nggak ada kemungkinan untuk memindah kartu gsm ke cdma. 1.1.3 jan 2014. Lagi, sudah ganti hp, tp gagal transaksi, padahal sms banking sudah daftar disuruh daftar ???
Setiap mau login selalu keluar notifikasi otientikasi belum berhasil padahal saya sudah vertivy beberapa kali. TOLONG DI PERBAIKI ASAP KARENA SANGAT MENGGAGU.
Sblm nya sdh pakai app ini dan tidak ada masalah, pas ads problem saya install kembali eehhh ga bisa otentikasi dsn sdh resend sms dr 3355 tp sdh yg kesekian kali tdk bisa juga , mohon bantuan admin seger. Tks
Setelah di update lampu indicator gak mau nyala, sdh coba nunggu beberapa menit tetap gak nyala padahal sebelumnya selalu nyala langsung begitu sdh log in. Sebelumnya ada masalah di beli pulsa gsm selalu bolak balik di nama operator dan nilai pulsa yg ujung2nya gak bisa. tolong diperbaiki dooong.
Barusan isi pulsa gagal trus muncuk status koneksi putus pdahal baik saja koneksi, di cba bbrapa kali isi pulsa tetep bgitu, setelah itu cba cek rek dan history transaksi ternyata ada debit pulsa beberapa kali, tpi nyatanya pulsa tdak masuk, uang di rek telah terpotong, saya jd tkut lgi menggunakan aplikasi ini krna telah kehilangan uang
"Provider database bermasalah atau Anda belum update dg app terbaru". Isi pulsa listrik ga bisa. Dan ini yg kesekian kali apps Mandiri bermasalah. Ga bisa beli pulsa listrik lah.., ga bisa login lah.., kena passwd attempts 3x lah.. (Padahal dah ketik passwd yg benar), trus disuruh hubungi staf Mandiri terdekat di kota Anda. Mau sampai kapan kustomer diperlakukan seperti ini? Ayolah, kami perlu solusi cerdas.
Lagi mau transfer loadingnya lama tinggal konfirmasi dan masukin pin sms banking tiba-tiba disuruh install ulang aplikasi. Akhirnya saya transfer lewat atm. Ternyata saya jadi double transfer. Saya jadi rugi kan. Apa pihak mandiri mau ganti? Terus gimana urusannya ini. Sering banget lagi mau transfer aplikasinya error padahal tinggal konfirmasi. Payah lah
sering error, sebelumnya dipake transfer bisa eh tiba2 besoknya gak bisa, udah diuninstall trus install lg tetep aja gitu. Sampe harus restart hp. Kadang bisa kadang gak. Masa aplikasi keluaran bank sekelas Mandiri kayak gini?? abal2 bgt. sering errornya daripada bagusnya. tolong diperbaiki donk!!
by Z####:
Fitur lengkap, proses transaksi cepat (tergantung koneksi), dan simpel. Kekurangannya, kadang suka error, terutama antara jam 12 malam - 5 pagi. Tapi masih bisa ditolerir sih. Satu lagi, tampilannya agak jadul, mirip kayak aplikasi di android froyo. Coba kalo tampilannya bisa dibikin lebih fresh, biar bisa menyesuaikan dengan tren 'material design' yang lagi diusung google sekarang.