Kolumbus Billett

Kolumbus Billett Free App

Rated 2.91/5 (292) —  Free Android application by WTW AS


About Kolumbus Billett

Once you have downloaded the app, you register a user by submitting your mobile phone number. Under "Settings" you choose your wanted payment method - using a credit card, a mobile account or your phone tab (Norwegian subscriptions only). In addition to doing this in the app, you may administrate your Kolumbus Billett account online.

Available tickets
You can buy the following tickets with the app:
• Single bus ticket
• Single ferry ticket
• 24-hour ticket
• 7-day ticket
• 30-day ticket
• 365-day ticket
• Combi Ticket
• Youth Ticket
• Period Ticket ferry
• Bike tickets

When purchasing your ticket in the app, you avoid the additional fee which is added to your ticket in the zone Nord-Jæren if you pay your tickets on board.

Catch the bus, ferry or train
You can travel immediately after you have purchased your ticket in the app. Show your mobile ticket to the bus driver or staff on board the ferry or train.

There are three ways in which you can pay:
• With a mobile account, which you top up using a VISA/MasterCard.
• With a bank card (VISA/MasterCard)
• Mobile subscription (single tickets).

Multiple users can use the same mobile account and pay for the tickets via the same account. You can top up directly in the app using a VISA/MasterCard or via www.kolumbus.no. The mobile account must not be mistaken for being Travel money, which is an amount you can top up on your Kolumbus card.

In order for your payments to be executed with the same bankcard every time you top up, you only need to fill in the card information the very first time you use the app.
The information will not be saved in the app or by Kolumbus. Nets, our chosen provider of the payment service, will save the card information according to the card company’s guidelines.
If you have Norwegian mobile subscription, you can buy single bus tickets for a maximum amount of NOK 300.

More information
Do you have any questions? See the frequently asked questions about the ticket app Kolumbus Billett:

More information about the rules and conditions for buying tickets in the mobile app:

How to Download / Install

Download and install Kolumbus Billett version 4.4.7-33e8 on your Android device!
Downloaded 100,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: no.wtw.mobillett.kolumbus, download Kolumbus Billett.apk

All Application Badges

For everyone
Android app

App History & Updates

What's Changed
Fix for invisible buttons in Android 7.
Bug fixes and optimizations.
More downloads  Kolumbus Billett reached 100 000 - 500 000 downloads
Version update Kolumbus Billett was updated to version 4.4.7-33e8
Version update Kolumbus Billett was updated to version 4.4.2-42067a
More downloads  Kolumbus Billett reached 50 000 - 100 000 downloads

What are users saying about Kolumbus Billett

by H####:

Stort problem. Hver gang mobilen startes på nytt er det tydeligvis en "ny mobil" og jeg må flytte ungdomskortet. Jeg har nå flyttet for siste gang og kan altså ikke skru av mobilen på en måned fordi jeg ikke vil betale 300 kr igjen

by R####:

The password via the sms never came (czech mobile number +420) so we have to pay extra in the bus. Useless

by R####:

App doesn't start in the morning for 2 days in a row. And its not just me a punch of people standing by the driver for 10 minutes every morning trying to get it to start.

by R####:

Måtte bytte passord. Ingen knapp for aksept betingelser. Ergo ingen billett. Score 0

by R####:

I don't get the option "events". How can I activate it?

by R####:

Why does it not send the password?!!!

by R####:

Fra buss kort til buss kort til noe enda verre. Kolumbus nekter å høre på kundene sine. Hvorfor ikke betale med kort slik som det gjøres i alle slags steder som krever betaling. Uansett appen funket og nå funker det ikke lenger, og gidder virkelig ikke å finne ut hvorfor. rett og slett dårlig.

by R####:

Fikk ikke beskjed om å logge på på nytt før jeg trykket kjøp billett. Også for dårlig at man må fylle på 200 helt plutselig. Lær av Ruter appen. Nesten helt lik, men mye bedre gjennomført. Hvorfor er det så viktig for bussjåføren å se den? De klarer seg fint i Oslo uten å se på appen.

by R####:

Veldig dårlig system, de har to forskjellige systemer, enn for web og en for mobil... hvem har det i 2016???

by R####:

Funker helt fint for meg. Det eneste jeg har å utsette på den er at den er litt treg å starte, og om man er uheldig og sveiper mot siden slik at den går til gamle billetter tar det litt tid å laste den aktive igjen (mens man står ved bussjåføren og fomler). Men jeg er forbauset over at så mange som har kommentert ikke engang har tatt en ordentlig titt på menyen og sett betalingsalternativene før de slakter og sier at man må betale 200 kr for å komme i gang.

by I####:

200kr som minstebeløp? Glem det.

by R####:

Hater å bli tvunget til å bruke appen! Alternativet er å bli straffet med 20kr

by R####:

It made me have to buy one ticket when another was available... Why would this app lead me to a buy screen with a valid ticket without an option to find my tickets? I want a refund

by R####:

Doesn't work - I didn't received SMS password.

by W####:

Forvirrende oppsett ved kjøp av dagsbilletter. Jeg bruker tog 1 gang i uken og har brukt 24 timers billett. Da billett kontrollen sjekket billetten min så var ikke den godkjent. Selv om jeg hadde kjøpt 24t billett for buss og tog men sånn som oppsettet er nå så kan man ikke kjøpe 24 timers billett for buss og tog selv om det står det inne i appen.

by R####:

it doesn't even download! people are forced to buy tickets in the bus

by Y####:

Had to pay extra money for buying tickets in cash because app didn't send me password (czech phone number). Unable to buy ticket.

by Y####:

Was using it on android but can't use the app on blackberry 10 device, which leaves me to pay extra on the bus or take taxi. If it would work on BlackBerry it would be awesome.

by C####:

Du må legga inn minst 200kr for å kjøpa en billet. Dette e bullshit

by F####:

Password did not arrive via SMS. I had to take a taxi instead since I didn't have cash for the bus.

by Y####:

Veldig dårlig system, de har to forskjellige systemer, enn for web og en for mobil... hvem har det i 2016???

by Y####:

Dere er tyver. Med alle De 20 kroningene dere tjener fra folk som ikke for direkte tilgang til appen kunne dere vaske deres skitne busser.

by V####:

Need improve a lot

by Y####:

Oh, how I love being forced to use an app when buying tickets. An app which I can't put my debit card information into due to a screen fault in my phone. Nor can I access this account through internet browser. I also love the completely unnecessary 20kr fee for paying cash. Wtf! Shame on you, kolumbus. Shame on you

by Y####:

Det faktum at bilettene ikke blir lagret på mobilen ØDELEGGER brukbarhet til appen. Jeg kan ikke kjøpe bilett hjemme (med wifi) og så skynde meg til bussen uten at biletten forsvinner. Ikke alle har 3g, og å lage det til et krav er ekskluderende og elitist. Mange andre bilett servicer klarer dette, hvorfor kan ikke dere, når dere lager denne appen til nesten obligatorisk. Har sløst minst 120 kr på mislykkede forsøk på å bruke appen som billett, bare for å bli tvunget til å kjøpe på bussen likevel.

by Y####:

More a nuissance than anything else. Buggy as hell and unfit for purpose (unable to work offline where signals come and go, sometimes for many kilometers in rural areas). A pain in the eye of conductors and passengers. What is more, its design is abusive: - The app charged me two times the princely sum of 1810 NOK for a period pass. I noticed by chance and asked for a refund. I wonder how many people have not noticed. I also wonder if the bug of not being charged at all even exists (don't think so). - You are supposed to buy the ticket in advance of getting into the train but it if overlaps your current ticket, the new ticket will superseed the old one instead of stacking. (In the case of the double-charged bug, the two tickets do not stack!) - This virtual ticket is a valid contract: no company, let alone a PUBLIC company, should FORCE its clients to accept NEW terms and conditions in order to USE the service they have ALREADY paid for. One of this new conditions is their "right" to change the conditions at will. This is abusive and unacceptable. The kind of crap you would expect from an private company in a very neoliberal country, not from a public company in Norway.

by Y####:

Hater å bli tvunget til å bruke appen! Alternativet er å bli straffet med 20kr

by D####:

Most things work, but the map doesn't. On my s5 that is. The skyss app is better IMO

by D####:

Appen fungerer som den skal og har ikke merket noen spesielle problemer med den. Men det srørste problemet er at billettene blir ikke lagret på mobilen. Det er irriterende fordi det er nesten forventet at jeg skal bruke enda mer penger på 3g bare for å lade opp biletten.

by D####:

Jæskla drid at du ikje kan sjøba for mindre enn 200 kronår

by Q####:

Det tar altfor lang tid å hente frem billetten. Man må starte appen i god tid om billetten skal være klar til ombordstigning.

by D####:

Helt tragisk at man må fylle på for minst 200kr for å betale. Ta et hint fra NSB og ruter og la man legge inn kortet og betale per billett

by M####:

This app works by sending users an SMS message to register their account. Unfortunately you're out of luck if you don't receive the messages. It appears as though many users never receive the registration message, myself included.

by X####:

Alt bra utenom at billetter ikke ligger på telefonen. Utrolig plagsomt for oss som tar tog fra Egersund.

by X####:

Ok app, men billettene eller periodekortene du kjøper blir ikke lastet ned til brukerens enhet. De blir lastet ned hver gang appen startes. Billetter kan derfor ikke vises for kontroll uten å ha mobildata påslått. Dette kan by på problemer hvis en er uten dekning enkelte steder. Spesielt med tanke på bruk ved togreiser.

by U####:


by U####:

I usually pay a monthly bus card but this app is really good for an emergency(like night busses), especially for the ones that never carry cash like me.

by E####:

Funker ikke å legge til visa kortet. Siden laster aldri, men kan virke som at problemet ligger hos nets.

by E####:


by Q####:

The app is well designed doing exactly what it is supposed to do. It's simple and self explanatory in how to use it to. I am a bit baffled as to the app not supporting purchases for more than one zone though, rendering it basically useless to me because of all my destinations being in different zones. This app gets a plus for being well designed and also for doing what it was designed for. I do feel that there is lack in functionality and that the design is based on older design guidelines. Adding more purchase options and following Holo design guidelines will earn this app a higher rating.

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292 users