About Playboard
Playboard er bladet for brettfolket, og har fulgt miljøet siden 1998.
Playboard skriver om de nye talentene, de gamle heltene og de midt i mellom. De feteste turene, de råeste filmene og et underbyggende fokus på friheten og kreativiteten som råder i brettmiljøet.
På nettstedet www.playboard.no/ finner du nyheter, videoer, bildeserier, reiseartikler, tester og konkurranser.
Du kan kjøpe Playboard som digitale enkeltutgaver eller digitalt årsabonnement i Google Play.
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Playboard is the magazine for people board and have followed the environment since 1998.
Playboard writes about the new talents, the old heroes and the in between. The hottest tours, the coolest movies and a substantive focus on freedom and creativity that prevail in the board environment.
The website www.playboard.no/ find news, videos, slideshows, travel articles, tests and competitions.
You can buy Playboard as digital single issues or digitally annual subscription of Google Play.
As a subscriber to the print edition of Playboard have access to the digital edition included, plus a number of other subscription benefits. Read more and book subscriptions abo.playboard.no.