About Gladmat 2014
See below for information in English.
Velkommen til Gladmats egen app!
Dette er den offisielle Android-appen for Gladmat 2014, Nordens største matfestival, som arrangeres i Stavanger, Norge 23.-26. juli 2014.
Appen er en naturlig forlengelse av den fysiske festivalen og skal bidra til å gjøre utstillerne og alt annet innhold mer synlig og tilgjengelig for deg som gjest.
I appen finner du bl.a.:
* Kart over festivalområdet med oversikt over alle utstillere
* Detaljert informasjon, program og meny for hver stand, samt mulighet for å sende inn tilbakemelding
* Programoversikt
* Praktisk informasjon
* Skjema for innspill til festivalledelsen
* Push-meldinger med oppdatert informasjon underveis og etter festivalen
NB! Enkelte funksjoner (bl.a. kart, tilbakemelding) krever internett-tilgang og kan dermed føre til datatrafikk som kan bli belastet av din mobiloperatør.
Welcome to the official Android app for Gladmat 2014, Scandinavia's largest food festival, held in Stavanger, Norway July 23th-26th, 2014.
** Please note: This application is only available in Norwegian! **
This app is a virtual extension of the actual event, intended to make information about exhibitors and all other content easily available to you as a guest of the festival.
In this app, you will find:
* Festival map with markers for all stands
* Detailed information, program and menu for each exhibitor, plus a form for submitting rating/feedback
* Program overview for every day
* Practical information
* Form for submitting feedback, suggestions, complaints and compliments to the organizers
* Push notification for information updated during and after the festival
Note! Some features (such as map and feedback) require internet access, and may cause data traffic to be charged by your mobile provider. See below for information in English.
Welcome to Happy Mats own app!
This is the official Android app for happy food in 2014, the Nordic region's largest food festival, held in Stavanger, Norway 23.-26. July 2014.
The app is a natural extension of the actual event, intended to make the exhibitors and all other content more visible and accessible to guests.
In the app, you will:
* Map of the festival grounds with list of exhibitors
* Detailed information, program and menu for each condition, and the possibility to submit feedback
* Program Overview
* Practical Information
* Form for input to the festival management
* Push notification for updated information during and after the festival
NB! Some features (such as map and feedback) require internet access, and may result in data traffic that may be charged by your mobile operator.
Welcome to the official Android app for happy food in 2014, Scandinavia's Largest Food Festival, holding in Stavanger, Norway July 23th-26th, 2014.
** Please note: This application is only available in English! **
This app is a virtual extension of the actual event, intended to make information about exhibitors and all other content Easily available to you as a guest of the festival.
In this app, you will find:
* Festival map with markers for all stands
* Detailed information, program and menu for each exhibitor, plus a form for Submitting rating / feedback
* Program overview for every day
* Practical information
* Form for Submitting feedback, suggestions, complaints and compliments to the organizers
* Push notification for updated information during and after the festival
Note! Some features (such as map and feedback) require internet access, and may cause data traffic to be charged by your mobile provider.